Sculpture of a Puerto Rican flag outside.

Jonathan Marty

Puerto Rican Cultural Center Jonathan Marty (GGFUP, 2017, Location: Chicago) My work in Chicago was spent in an interesting limbo between the Puerto Rican Cultural Center proper, and various educational institutions under the broad network of Chicago Public Schools (or CPS). Being that I was commissioned by the Puerto Rican Cultural Center, an independent organization, to […]

Sign reading "God Almighty International Ministry" outside a city building.

Arielle Hersh

Planning for the Next South Bronx Arielle Hersh (GGFUP, 2017, Location: New York City) In the context of Southern Boulevard and the CDNA process, there is a compelling parallel to demanding a shared right to the city. Specifically, that right is predicated on the actions of DCP thus far in the area, where they have initiated a […]

Map of Van Cortlandt Park.

Anamika Jain

A Right to the City Anamika Jain (GGFUP, 2017, Location: New York City) My research is about alternative land and housing models, and such models are built on the foundational principles of the right to the city, such as participatory democracy and, in [David] Harvey’s own words, “democratic control over the production and utilization of the surplus”. […]

Lady standing next to a wall filled with writing.

Victoria Carter

El Patio Maravillas, La Ingobernable, and Occupied Madrid Victoria Carter (GGFUP, 2017, Location: Madrid) Last Saturday, 8th July, El Patio died. The organisation was ‘killed’ with a two day party in Malasaña. In the style which befits the organisation, the party was spread, slightly shambolically over two nights and filled with friends made over the last 10 […]