A woman with dark curly hair standing in front of a chalk board covered in words.

Radical Affect

Radical Affect: The Podcast Sarah Halford (GGFUP, 2016, Location: Berlin) The relationship between art and activism has many different descriptors. Some call it “social practice” or “protest art” or “artivism.” In my research, however, I have mainly been using the moniker “artistic activism,” with a specific rationale in mind. Working as a research fellow at […]

Sara Nuta

Documenting the Musical Heritage of the Bronx Sara Nuta (GGFUP, 2017, Location: New York City) MISSION STATEMENT: My mission for this fellowship is to apply the urban theories and research I’ve done in the classroom to a real neighborhood in order to learn more about the ways cities work and the people who inhabit them. I also […]

Building windows that read "This is Bronx Music."

Imani Edwards

Preserving Marginalized Histories Imani Edwards (GGFUP, 2017, Location: New York City) I love black history and I especially love movements meant to empower black people….I have been made aware of…how, African American history may be seen as “old” when compared to that of new migrants. I wonder if African American history and culture can flourish alongside the […]

Lady standing next to a wall filled with writing.

Victoria Carter

El Patio Maravillas, La Ingobernable, and Occupied Madrid Victoria Carter (GGFUP, 2017, Location: Madrid) Last Saturday, 8th July, El Patio died. The organisation was ‘killed’ with a two day party in Malasaña. In the style which befits the organisation, the party was spread, slightly shambolically over two nights and filled with friends made over the last 10 […]

Sculpture of Chloe Grey Smith.


Porteñomanteau Chloe Grey Smith (GGFUP, 2016, Location: Buenos Aires) Chloe Grey Smith worked for both the Center for Artistic Activism and the Argentinian Photojournalists’ Association (ARGRA). In Buenos Aires she attended queer activist events, conducted interviews and studio visits with queer and Indigenous artistic activists, and helped digitize archives of photos from the Falklands War (La Guerra […]