Week 8

There is a geographical element to everything we are doing this summer whether we are focusing on one coastline, one neighborhood, one urban feature that appears throughout our research cities, or one set of people who travel to many different parts of the city for work or a sense of community. For this assignment, you will develop a map using one of a variety of tools that will give us a sense of the geography of your research this summer. In mapping projects, we often think of landmarks, boundaries, movement between spaces on the map, and topographies (among other things.)  Play with these terms. What constitutes a landmark in your research?  How does the very nature (pun intended if applicable) of your geography define your research in surprising ways? Is there only one boundary to your map or many boundaries—and how do you identify them?

Depending on your familiarity with digital tools, you may use a Google Map, Social Explorer, CartoDB, or Story Map for this project.  Or, if it would help you more to think about geography in terms of social space, you might want to use a tool like Kumu. You may also supplement your map with one drawn by you, a collaborator, or several collaborators. (See You Are Here or Nonstop Metropolis, both great texts for examples of creative mapping.)  Whatever kind of map you produce, please make sure we can see or access it in this post.

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