Dental Anthropology Laboratory

Contact Information

Director:  Dr. Shara Bailey


Phone: 212-998-8550


The Dental Anthropology Laboratory houses an excellent collection of fossil casts ranging from Paleogene primates to Late Pleistocene hominids used for both teaching and research purposes. The laboratories are equipped with standard osteometric equipment (calipers, mandibulometer, osteometric boards) and three-dimensional digitizers (Microscribe 3DX).  Each laboratory has computer workstations with software for collection, processing, and statistical analysis of two- and three-dimensional coordinate data (i.e., InScribe, GRF-ND, Morpheus, TPS, and Morphometrika), as well as general statistical packages (i.e., SAS, Statistica, and NT-SYS).  Casting and dissection facilities are available, as is an extensive research library.


Research Projects

Evolution of the Human Dentition (Dr. Shara Bailey)

Deciduous Dentition of Homo naledi (Dr. Shara Bailey)

Dental Morphology of African Plio-Pleistocene Hominins (Dr. Shara Bailey)

Modern Human Origins in North Africa (Dr. Shara Bailey)

Taxonomic Attribution and Phylogenetic Assessments of Eurasian Late Pleistocene Hominins (Dr. Shara Bailey)


Equipment and Resources

Daris Swindler Primate Dental Cast Collection

Fossil Human and Primate Collection

Lab Members