
The sixth annual CogMIR seminar will focus on cognitive approaches relevant to music informatics research, inclusive of music similarity, music emotion, music analysis and generation, music information retrieval, and computational modeling.

CogMIR is a society for academic researchers and music software development professionals involved in cognitively based music informatics research. CogMIR was founded by Naresh Vempala and Frank Russo in 2011.

CogMIR aims to address the need for highlighting empirically derived methods based on human cognition that inform the field of music informatics and music information retrieval.

CogMIR 2016 will be held as a satellite event of ISMIR 2016.



Columbia University



Friday, August 12th, 2016


Important Dates:

May 31, 2016 – Deadline for abstract submissions
June 15, 2016 – Notification of acceptance


How to participate:

Stay tuned for more details on abstract submissions and registration.


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