Abri Cellier
In 2014, Dr. Randy White directed new excavations at the site Abri Cellier in the Dordogne region of SW France. The site had originally been excavated in the early 20th century and yielded over 10000 stone tools, several ornamental and decorated objects, and 6 engraved blocks. The team, comprised of French and American colleagues and graduate students, excavated several areas within the rock shelter to examine the chronology and stratigraphy of the site, and to contexualize the original finds with modern theoretical and methodological techniques. The excavation was able to determine which areas had originally been excavated and where intact layers remained, and brought new understanding to the organization of the site and it’s role in the prehistoric record of the Vézère Valley. These new excavations led to the discovery, dating and publication of 16 new engraved and otherwise modified limestone blocks, a major addition to the known corpus of Aurignacian art from SW France.