Todd R. Disotell

CSHO faculty member Dr. Todd DisotellProfessor Emeritus of Anthropology

Ph.D. 1992; M.A. 1987, Harvard University; B.A. 1985, Cornell University


Phone: 212-998-3811

curriculum vitae

Office: 401

Research Interests

  • biological anthropology
  • molecular evolution
  • mitochondrial DNA
  • bioinformatics
  • Darwinian medicine
  • cryptozoology
  • primate evolution
  • genomics
  • phylogenetic systematics
  • conservation genetics
  • human variation
  • history of biological anthropology

Other Affiliations

Professor, NYU Department of Anthropology

Faculty, New York Consortium of Evolutionary Primatology

Core Faculty, MA in Human Skeletal Biology

Faculty Mentor, NYU Applied Research Innovations in Science and Engineering (ARISE)

Current Projects

Phylogeny of Papionins

Selected Publications

[ Academia | ResearchGate ]

Pozzi, L., Disotell, T.R., & Masters, J.C.  2014.  A multilocus phylogeny reveals deep lineages within African galagids (Primates: Galagidae)BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 72.

Montague, M.J., Disotell, T.R., & Di Fiore, A.  2014.  Population Genetics, Dispersal, and Kinship Among Wild Squirrel Monkeys (Saimiri sciureus macrodon): Preferential Association Between Closely Related Females and Its Implications for Insect Prey Capture Success. International Journal of Primatology 35(1): 169-187.

Pozzi, L., Hodgson, J.A., Burrell, A.S., Sterner, K.N., Raaum, R.L., & Disotell, T.R.  2014. Primate phylogenetic relationships and divergence dates inferred from complete mitochondrial genomesMolecular Phylogenetic Evolution 75: 165-183.

Bergey, C.M., Pozzi, L., Disotell, T.R., & Burrell, A.S. 2013.  A New Method for Genome-wide Marker Development and Genotyping Holds Great Promise for Molecular PrimatologyInternational Journal of Primatology 34: 303-314.

Disotell, T.R.  2013.  Human Biological Variation. Encyclopedia of Race and Racism, 2nd Edition.  New York: Macmillan Reference.

Disotell, T.R.  2013.  Genetic Perspectives on Ape and Human Evolution, in D. R. Begun (Ed.) A Companion to Paleoanthropology, 1st Edition. Hoboken: Blackwell Publishing.

Disotell, T.R.  2012.   Archaic human genomicsAmerican Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 55: 24-39.

Pozzi, L., Hodgson, J.A., Burrell, A.S., & Disotell, T.R.  2011.  The stem catarrhine Saadanius does not inform the timing of the origin of crown catarrhinesJournal of Human Evolution 61: 209-210.

Hodgson, J.A. & Disotell, T.R.  2010.  Anthropological Genetics: Inferring the History of Our Species Through the Analysis of DNAEvolution: Education and Outreach 3: 387-398.

Hodgson, J.A., Bergey, C.M., & Disotell, T.R.  2010.  Neanderthal genome: the ins and outs of African genetic diversity. Current Biology 20: R517-R519.

Burrell, A.S. & Disotell, T.R.  2009.  Panmixia Postposted: ancestry-related assortative mating in contemporary human populationsGenome Biology 10: 245.

Li, J., Han, K., Xing, J., Kim, H.-S., Rogers, J., Ryder, O.A., Disotell, T.R., Yue, B., Batzer, M.A.  2009.  Phylogeny of the macaques (Cercopithecidae: Macaca) based on Alu elements. Gene 448(2): 242-249.

Hodgson, J.A., Sterner, K.N., Matthews, L.J., Burrell, A.S., Jani, R.A., Raaum, R.L., Stewart, C.B., & Disotell, T.R.  2009.  Successive radiations, not stasis, in the South American primate faunaProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 106: 5534-5539.

Burrell, A.S., Jolly, C.J., Tosi, A.J., & Disotell, T.R.  2009.  Mitochondrial evidence for the hybrid origin of the kipunji, Rungwecebus kipunji (Primates: Papionini)Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51: 340-348.

Updated on June 13, 2017