
Public outreach is one of the crucial aspects of CSHO’s mission.  In addition to our ongoing lectures and events aimed at the academic community and public at large, below are some of our outreach activities, educational programs and communications that promote a greater understanding and appreciation of the study of human origins.

Education Outreach


Several Anthropology Department faculty and their lab members serve as mentors in the ARISE (Applied Research Innovations in Science and Engineering) program offered by NYU Tandon School of Eng


ineering. ARISE provides a summer research experience in various STEM fields for NYC high school students who otherwise do not have access to a rigorous STEM education. The students spend three weeks taking college-level coursework on scientific method followed by four weeks of hands-on research in a lab, and finish the program by presenting their work at a poster session.

CSHO currently offers opportunities in the Evolutionary Morphology Lab, the Molecular Anthropology Lab and the Primate Reproductive Ecology and Evolution Lab.  Please check under Research Opportunities in the Department of Anthropology on the ARISE website for more information.

