Tag: Event

Professor Rodrigo Zeidan speaking

We Should All Strive to Become Mutant Bacteria: How Rodrigo Zeidan’s Educating for Sustainability Talk Opened My Eyes

Last week, intrigued students, faculty, and New Yorkers filed into Kimball Hall for Pragmatic Actions and Policies for Sustainability with NYU Shanghai’s Professor and researcher, Rodrigo Zeidan.

I was baffled when I saw the first slide of Professor Zeidan’s presentation: a video about bacteria mutating and spreading through a petri dish of increasing concentrations of antibiotics! What could this possible have to do with sustainability in finance and business? However, as he explained, it became clear that humans need to adapt and become resilient like the mutant bacteria, and take small steps to achieve larger goals in sustainability. Read more

Explore NYC Parks this summer 2018

It seemed like graduation was just yesterday but NYU students are flocking back into the city for summer classes and internships. Hopefully, there won’t be too many assignments or your work hours aren’t too long because the best part about being in NYC in the summer are its parks! There are hundreds of events from May to August you can scroll through here, but I found the series that you should definitely check out if you get a day off to get out. Read more

Eager Environmentalism in a Concrete Jungle: An EcoRep Reflection on NYUnplugged

by Natasha Rubright

The New Jersey Pinelands was the country’s first National Reserve, and my hometown is right on the edge of it. The difference between a National Park and a National Reserve is not necessarily in value, but in use; a Reserve can be used for commercial purposes as long as those purposes are responsible and do not harm the biosphere. This difference is clear to the people in my town. Our elementary schools take trips down roads covered in packed sand to cranberry bogs run by Ocean Spray, not 27 miles from the Jersey Shore. There my classmates and I picked our own cranberries and learned about the pockets of fresh water called aquifers that fill up the bogs. Talk to any third grader at Milton H Allen Elementary School and they’ll be able to tell you about how the ocean used to cover our town and left it covered in sand and blueberry bushes. People call us Pinies; these woods are part of who we are. Read more

Serve the Earth for MLK Day

mlk_greenEvery year Americans across the country honor Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday through a Day of Service. MLK Day officially falls on Monday, January 16 but there are volunteer opportunities all weekend long. This year, consider getting involved in one of the green volunteer opportunities or activities in New York City in celebration of this American hero!

ConSERVE NYC: MLK Day Service at Morningside Park

Join The Student Conservation Association in their effort to ConSERVE NYC at Morningside Park this Saturday. Help restore and conserve this Harlem green space and be sure to register for the event! Read more

NYU Sustainability 2016 #YearinReview

Here are some of NYU Sustainability’s major accomplishments in 2016!

unplugged2016Residence Halls Conserve Energy for NYUnplugged
In February, 17 Residence Halls competed in the NYUnplugged energy reduction challenge. Lipton Hall not only saved the most energy but also brought the most awareness to energy conservation through events and social media, securing their spot in first place!

Student, Faculty & Staff Collaborate
In March members of the Sustainability Task Force (STF) submitted a proposal to Governor Cuomo’s REV Campus Challenge, which called for New York State colleges and universities to develop clean energy plans for a chance to win $1 million for support in implementation. NYU was nationally recognized as a competition “Leader” and a “First Mover” for joining the competition in its first 6 months. The effort brought together a diverse group of individuals, who developed a proposal for an anaerobic digester at NYU. Additionally, throughout the Fall, an STF working group collaborated on a Sustainability Indicator Survey to question the NYU community on their attitudes towards sustainability. The survey is in queue for release.   Read more