Connected Youth site now live

connectedyouthDLTS, in partnership with NYU Press, launched , a site for open access reading of the first two books in the book series Connected Youth and Digital Futures.

The site builds upon the base of our main open access books site, and was enhanced with funding from the MacArthur Foundation’s Digital Media and Learning project, sponsors of the series.

One major goal for this project was to create an “interactive” platform for readers. We added tools to the OA books platform to make it easy to share out to social media, and, with funding from the Mellon Foundation for our Enhanced Networked Monographs project, we’ll provide additional features–annotation, rich searching via the books’ indexes, and more.

To get a deeper sense of the project goals, see this happy message from Julian Sefton-Green, one of the series editors, this blog post by Henry Jenkins, co-author of By Any Media Necessary; and another by Sonia Livingstone, co-author of The Class.

This successful collaboration involved the following individuals:

At NYU Press: Adam Bohannan, Dorothea Halliday, Charles Hames, Mary Beth Jarrad, Sara Johnson, Alicia Nadkarni, Miguel Sandoval, and Eric Zinner.

At DLTS: David Arjanik, Laura Henze, Flannon Jackson, Carol Kassel, Monica McCormick, Joseph Pawletko, and Rasan Rasch.

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