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The Rise of Experimental Circus in Prague: Artistic Research over Entertainment

It’s early evening and the National Theatre: The New Stage in Prague is sold out for the premiere show of Krajina těla or Land of Body. Sounds of waves crashing and a cello fill the hall as aerial acrobat Alžbeta Tichá climbs up a dangling rope, twisting, flipping, and falling dangerously fast before pulling the rope taut. While she moves through her choreography, eight LED screens placed around the stage show close-up images of hair follicles.

This is circus. Or, a kind of circus. With its understated exploration of physicality—a visual poem through movement—Krajina těla is an example of the experimental circus style emerging in the Czech Republic. Decidedly different from the theatrical and showy version of modern circus that Czech companies have mastered, the change comes as a new generation of performers enters the field, bringing with them new techniques and concepts.

Alžbeta Tichá, in motion midair supported by a rope held by another performer

Alžbeta Tichá on the rope in “Krajina těla”
Photo courtesy of Vojtěch Brtnický, Narodni divadlo

Czech contemporary circus was created right after the fall of communism in 1989. “Metaphorical, symbolic—the circus as a physical form was there as a metaphor for something else. Like you are on the trapeze, so you are representing a bird, for example,” says Veronika Štefanová, research supervisor of CIRQUEON, a Prague-based circus center. Theatre folk were inspired by touring European circus companies, but, without formal training to make stand-alone circus shows, they began incorporating these elements into their theatre productions.

The style’s popularity exploded in 2004 with the annual summer festival, Letní Letná, started by Jiří Turek, who has a background in dancing, miming, and alternative theatre. When he first hosted the festival in Prague, there were 6,000 attendees. Now it attracts 60,000 people, making it the biggest contemporary circus festival in the Czech Republic. “We invite the biggest companies,” Turek says of his festival direction. “We must do it. The smaller festivals cannot invite them; it is too expensive.” The necessity of featuring large companies has developed a large, unvarying style of circus—commercial and theatrical.

Cirk La Putyka is a case in point. It is the latest company in Prague, currently performing Cesty, which features more than 50 performers in a classic circus top. The acrobats, dancers, and actors wear flashy costumes while thunderous sound effects accentuate the stunts. In one act nine women flip around Hula-Hoops spinning high in the air. In another, a man walks amid the audience seats and breathes out orange flames. These moments are interspersed with storytelling and dialogue. The show is a glamorous spectacle.

A performer seated with legs crossed in an aerial hoop suspended from a light rack

Cirk La Putyka performers in “Cesty”
Photo courtesy: Cirk La Putyka

This “wow” factor is necessary, explains researcher Štefanová. “They would like to really live on circus and work only in circus, and it means you have to sell a lot of tickets.” Cirk La Putyka and other large companies have successfully done so, regularly selling out shows. In recent years the experimental shows have gained popularity with new techniques by younger artists. The kids, who 10 years ago signed up for informal circus classes at CIRQUEON, are of a professional age now. Tichá, the rope acrobat in Krajina těla, performs in several avant-garde shows. Along with Krajina těla, she is part of Thin Skin, a production staged in the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art.

Tichá emphasizes that she is not so much entertaining an audience as pushing the limits of her art, conducting a kind of research while onstage. “When I go on the rope, I have to be present. There is no chance to think about anything else.”

Repurposed and edited with permission by Dispatches

A Universal Language at Every Age

Through internships, volunteer opportunities, and class projects, NYU study away students can make a positive impact on the children in their local communities while also gaining valuable, real-world experience they can apply to their future careers.

While studying at NYU Prague last spring, Joey Duke, a junior majoring in Music Education at the NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, found there is more to his field of study than he could have imagined. Through the class Foundations of Music Education led by Professor Klára Boudalová, he had the opportunity to work with the Prague Symphony Orchestra to help make classical music accessible to children in the Czech Republic.

Seven people pose for a camera on the orchestra stage

Concert planners and participants pose for a photo onstage at Smetana Hall after the orchestra performance. Pictured from left to right are: Jaime Patterson, Jair Gonzales, director Klara Boudalova, Joey Duke, actress Veronika Kubarova, Jahnvi Seshadri, and conductor Jan Kucera.

“We worked on the Orchestr na dotek, which means ‘the orchestra to listen,’” Joey says. After a semester of learning from the orchestra, the class’ final project was to organize an orchestra completely on their own. “It’s their program created just for young audiences, and it was a game changer for me. It showed me there’s a lot more you can do with music education.”

Joey and his classmates “took a part in everything” when it came to creating the orchestra. They chose composers, selected and cut the music, wrote a storyline, and worked with the musicians and performers to ensure the performance went off without a hitch. 

“We knew we would be these kids’ first impressions of the composers, and we wanted to make sure we selected the right pieces and cuts,” explains Joey. Their orchestra focused on the works of Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel, which they intertwined with a story about pirates. “The music really couldn’t be more than three minutes at a time, so we had to select the most important parts. That took a lot of score reading and musical knowledge. Then for the story, Debussy features a lot of ocean music and Ravel features a lot of Spanish music, so we were like, ‘We’ve got it! We’re getting on a ship, we’re venturing across the sea, we’re going to islands.’ It was this big, fantastical process, and once we got past the blank canvas, the possibilities were endless.”

Similarly, at NYU Florence, Anika Istok, a junior majoring in Psychology at the College of Arts and Science and minoring in both Italian Studies and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Studies (CAMS), had the chance to connect with children through music. 

“Music is so important for kids,” says Anika who spent the fall of 2022 volunteering with NPM Bambini in Movimento, an organization that provides support, therapy, and inclusive recreational activities for children, adolescents, and their families to help improve their health and wellness. “It’s an important way for kids to express themselves, especially if they’re nonverbal, shy, or don’t initiate interactions. It’s amazing because, through something simple like playing our community drum together, they were able to bond in a way that, even with words, you can’t accomplish.”

Photo of Anika wearing an NPM Bambini in Movimento polo shirt

Anika Istok in her NPM Bambini in Movimento shirt

Volunteering with NPM Bambini in Movimento was fulfilling for Anika on multiple levels. It not only advanced her work in psychology and CAMS but also helped her become fluent in Italian. She noted volunteering as part of the culture at NYU Florence, so she knew she would get involved somewhere. Still, it was important for her to find an organization where she could really make an impact, and at NPM Bambini in Movimento, she was able to do just that. 

“We weren’t necessarily teaching music; rather, we were experiencing music together,” Anika adds. Anika helped teach two after-school classes, one for children between 2 and 5 and one for children between 6 and 8 years old. “A lot of the kids we worked with had either a disability or some sort of special need, and a lot of them were too young to be in school full time or had some trouble in school. Connecting with them outside of their normal educational environment was really important.”

Both Joey and Anika returned to New York City after their semesters away with newfound knowledge and appreciation for their selected fields of study. “This opportunity showed me that I could not only aspire to do something like this but do it. And then we watched it happen,” says Joey. “At the end of the day, music is who we are as a people. It carries all of our cultural meaning, it carries a message, and for kids to understand the music from where they are is for them to participate in their communities. For me, I realized there’s so much more we can do. That semester really opened my eyes to the impact we can make through music.”

Written by Kelly McHugh-Stewart

A New Collaboration Creates a Bridge for Ukrainian Students at NYU Prague

Ukrainian students and the NYU president smile at the camera

NYU President Andy Hamilton welcomes Ukrainian students to NYU Prague.

The start of the school year marked the arrival of a new cohort within the NYU community—a group of nearly 15 displaced Ukrainian students who will spend the 2022–23 academic year at NYU Prague.

The students became part of the NYU Prague community and will study alongside full-time NYU degree students. This program was developed as part of University efforts to provide educational opportunities and other assistance to students and scholars affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

NYU identified students for the program in partnership with the Ukrainian Global University (UGU), a consortium of Ukrainian universities dedicated to creating opportunities for Ukrainian students and scholars to continue their education. To further support students, NYU Prague developed special resources and programming for the cohort, including counseling services, health insurance, and a stipend to help cover living expenses.

“NYU is arguably the most global university in the world, so when international crises occur, our community feels them at our core and wants to respond in very tangible ways,” explains Josh Taylor, associate vice chancellor for global programs and mobility services. “There is an all-hands-on-deck mentality right now with a deep commitment to try and help students and scholars who are at risk. Education is an important foundation, especially for these undergraduates who have their whole lives ahead of them.”

Two people smiling and laughing

NYU Prague Assistant Director for Student Life, Yveta Kenety, chats with Ukrainian students.

NYU Prague, with its geographic proximity to Ukraine and similarities in language and culture, offers a comparatively easy transitional point for the visiting students, according to Thea Favaloro, associate director of NYU Prague. Further, she says welcoming this cohort in our community gives an opportunity for NYU students—many of them American—to gain a deeper and personal insight on how the Russian invasion has affected the Ukrainian people: “We can’t completely understand what these students have been going through, but we are very sincere in our desire to help them while they’re here with us.”

For Anastasiia Koverha, a Marketing student from V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, the opportunity has been empowering. “As I watched Russian missiles destroy my university, I thought I would never be back to my normal student life again,” she explains. “But as I started the enrollment process at NYU Prague, supported by NYU staff at every stage, I felt I was not alone. And being in Prague now, meeting so many incredible people, I finally feel I am not helpless. I know I will return to my country with new knowledge and experiences that will aid in our recovery.”

Likewise, Anna-Mariia Mandzii, an International Relations, Public Communications, and Regional Studies major from the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, recognizes this year as the chance to deepen her knowledge of her chosen field. “The opportunity to study at NYU Prague is invaluable,” she says. “Being here allows me to look at the current situation in the world, especially the Russian war against Ukraine, from a different perspective.”

While the hope is for a swift and peaceful resolution to the conflict, NYU continues to stand with Ukraine and others affected by crises around the world. In recent years, NYU in New York City welcomed students from Puerto Rico who were affected by Hurricane Maria, as well as Tulane University students who were affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Dr. Tymofii Brik, rector of the Kyiv School of Economics and one of the founders of the UGU, notes, “Having the support of NYU, one of the best and most known universities in the world, is crucial. The leadership at NYU recognized the potential of the UGU and immediately decided to support it. Making strong decisions in times of uncertainty—and then delivering—is rare nowadays. This exchange program is excellent because it ensures that students will come back to Ukraine and contribute to making it a better place.”

Written by Auzelle Epeneter

Fall 2022 Orientation Week in Images

Orientation Week at NYU global locations introduces students to the history and culture of their new home through exciting programming. Additionally, students receive important academic information to set them up for success during their time away. 

NYU Abu Dhabi

A student surfing down a hill of sand as other students wait for their turn.

NYU Abu Dhabi welcomes more than 120 study away students from New York City and Shanghai. Staff members love to introduce them to the Emirates with a weekend trip to Dubai and a cultural day in Abu Dhabi.

NYU Florence

Students sitting in the amphitheater as they learn from an authority figure.

New students at NYU Florence attend a session about community values in the amphitheater on the beautiful 57-acre estate of Villa La Pietra.

NYU Madrid

A group of students gathering with a professor on the street in Madrid.

NYU Madrid orientation week features great academic activities like Mapping Madrid, a series of five tours in five city locations led by five NYU Madrid professors. This location is Tetuán, a barrio of contrasts where many cultures mix.

NYU Paris

Four students posing for the camera with the Eiffel Tower visible in the background.

Fall 2022 students enjoy Paris on a boat cruise along the Seine during Welcome Week.

NYU Prague

A trio of students surveying the front of the Municipal House.

Students admire the Municipal House, where the independent Czechoslovakia was established in 1918. During orientation at NYU Prague, they walk around the historical center of Prague while asking questions about Czech history.

NYU Sydney

A student role playing at parliament, while other students are sitting in rows behind them.

At NYU Sydney, students visit the New South Wales Parliament House, the oldest house of parliament in Australia. Students role play as speaker of the house, government members, or opposition members.

NYU Tel Aviv

Students and faculty members gathering in the NYU Tel Aviv courtyard for an orientation event.

Students, staff, and faculty convene at the traditional faculty panel and welcome dinner during orientation week at NYU Tel Aviv.

NYU Washington, D.C.

A professor lecturing in front of a projection screen.

Professor Vicky Kiechel leads a Washington 101 session for students during orientation week at NYU Washington, DC.