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Focused on the Future of NYU London: A Conversation with Executive Director Mojtaba Moatamedi

Portrait of Dr.Mojtaba Moatamedi

Dr.Mojtaba Moatamedi

Dr. Mojtaba Moatamedi, NYU London’s new executive director, joined the staff in January 2023 and has big plans for the global location’s future. Formerly the president of Al Ghurair University in the United Arab Emirates, Moatamedi says it was the possibility surrounding NYU London and what lies ahead for the site, especially its new, state-of-the-art academic center slated to open in fall 2024, that drew him to the job.

Moatamedi brings a wealth of experience in senior leadership, research, and teaching to NYU London, and, prior to his role as Al Ghurair University’s president, he served as the university’s dean of the College of Engineering and Computing. He has also held leadership roles at Imperial College London, Cranfield University, the Arctic University of Norway, University of Salford, and the University of Sheffield.

Moatamedi’s education includes a PhD in Engineering from the University of Sheffield, an MBA from the University of Manchester’s Alliance Manchester Business School, and an LLM in International Business Law from the University of Leeds. His research and teaching focuses on multiphysics, modeling and simulations, and engineering design.

Global Dimensions recently caught up with Dr. Moatamedi. Here’s what he had to share:

Global Dimensions: What drew you to NYU London?

Dr. Moatamedi: The main excitement for me was the future of NYU London. A lot can happen with the new academic center building, opening next year. The University is very invested in NYU London, and I was drawn to the opportunity to really build something and make a difference—that is the biggest reason I came here.

Global Dimensions: You mentioned the new academic center on the horizon. How will this new space impact NYU London students?

Dr. Moatamedi: First, the last 25 years of NYU London has helped us shape what our students need both space- and technology-wise. So we kept the shell of the new building but removed everything else, designing it exactly for our students. Our current space is somewhat limited. For the most part, students come to class and then they leave. They don’t really have a place for “student life” just yet. But with the new building, the whole design—an outdoor space, student lounges, a place to pick up food and beverages—will be really exciting.

Second, the building is in one of the best locations in London. In terms of universities, we’re next to the London School of Economics and King’s College London. Being adjacent to other universities will enhance the student experience immensely. We’re also 10 to 15 minutes away from Downing Street and the Parliament of England. And it’s on one of the oldest streets in London in a central area for music and arts. So building this new academic center and becoming a neighbor of these universities will help us enhance the profile of NYU London in the United Kingdom.

Overall, the student experience is going to be amazing. Our students will really get to experience being a student in the UK while also getting a great education.

Global Dimensions: The building is anticipated to open fall 2024. Where are you in that process?

Dr. Moatamedi: We’ve already started. If you look at the building, the scaffolding is up and they’re hard at work.

It’s really exciting and, for me, personally, this building represents a long-term commitment. The future of NYU London is bright and it’s going to be different from any other academic site.

Global Dimensions: When it’s all said and done, what do you hope your students take away from their time at NYU London?

Dr. Moatamedi: Our students are getting to work with some of the best academics in the country (we have more than 100 faculty) who’ve worked at some of the top universities in the UK. And they all work hard to bring bits and pieces of UK history into our courses. When students are in class, we don’t want it to be a generic classroom experience—we want them to really learn about the UK.

Written by Kelly Stewart

NYU Affiliations Around the World: A Robust Network for Research and Study

Students not only gain perspective and knowledge from time spent away from their home campus but also benefit from NYU partnerships with local institutions in the University’s global network. With one partnership that began before the global site itself was founded and another established over 50 years ago, it’s clear these relationships are invaluable to NYU research, scholarship, and community.

NYU Berlin

The Wilhelm von Humboldt Memorial in front of Humboldt University

Humboldt University in Berlin

NYU Berlin’s first agreement with Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin was in 1995, and the partnership remains as strong as ever. Today, students can enroll in courses at Humboldt and access its library. In addition to its partnership with Humboldt-Universität, NYU Berlin has an impressive record of establishing—and continuing—student and faculty exchange programs with other German universities. For example, in 1995 NYU established an agreement with the Freie Universität Berlin. Over 20 years later, in 2019, Freie Universität hosted Radha S. Hegde, NYU professor of media, culture, and communication, as the Dahlem International Network Professor in Gender Studies to teach two seminars. 


NYU London

Before NYU London was established in 1999, the University held a partnership with the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) for NYU Tisch School of the Arts students. Even as course offerings and programming expanded into the NYU London we know today, that relationship has remained steadfast for over 20 years. Each semester, a small group of NYU students audition for placement in RADA’s Shakespeare in Performance program. Students learn all aspects of performing Shakespeare as they work with a variety of RADA instructors. The intensive program culminates with the performance of one of Shakespeare’s plays. A more recent partnership with the National Film and Television School was established in 2018, with the first NYU students taking Directing the Actor: London in 2019. At the end of the course, students shoot and direct professional actors on a soundstage.

NYU Paris

A young woman on a laptop sits on the steps to the Sorbonne, a building with large columns.

The Sorbonne building houses various Parisian universities including the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Over the years, NYU Paris has established a number of agreements with local universities, including Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Université Paris Cité, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, and Université Paris Sciences et Lettres. These agreements allow NYU Paris students to take courses at these institutions, while Paris-based students have the opportunity to study at NYU’s campus in New York City. The relationship between NYU and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne dates back to the founding of NYU Paris in 1969. Currently, the agreement allows NYU Paris students with advanced proficiency in French to take Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne classes in subjects ranging from art and history to philosophy and mathematics. In addition, the University’s partnership with Université Sorbonne Nouvelle dates back almost as long—to 1975. Eligible NYU Paris students can take courses there in literature, cinema, theatre, and media studies. 

NYU Sydney

A building in the Victorian Academic Gothic Revival style in front of a green manicured lawn

A view from inside the University of Sydney Quadrangle

In November 2021 NYU established a new partnership with the oldest university in Australia, the University of Sydney (USYD). Through the partnership, NYU Sydney students have all the benefits of being a full-time USYD student: living on campus, enrolling in USYD courses, and participating in the Industry and Community Projects Units (ICPUs). ICPUs pair students with an industry partner and academic lead to work on real issues that industry, community, and government organizations encounter. And the partnership benefits are reciprocal—USYD students have the opportunity to enroll in Sydney-based courses taught by NYU instructors or spend a semester abroad at NYU’s campus in New York City or one of NYU’s global academic sites.


NYU Tel Aviv

A partnership with Tel Aviv University (TAU) further enriches students taking science courses at NYU Tel Aviv. TAU, Israel’s largest university, is just a short distance from the NYU global academic center. While NYU Tel Aviv offers science courses, including Organic Chemistry II and General Physics II, TAU offers the lab sections for those courses.

Three people in white lab coats and safety glasses in a chemistry lab

NYU Tel Aviv students take a chemistry course at Tel Aviv University’s labs.

In addition, undergraduate students can intern in a research lab through NYU Tel Aviv’s biology internships at TAU. Depending on the type of research conducted at each lab, students may learn different techniques like cell culture, gel electrophoresis, and microscopy. During the internship, students take part in the experimentation, research, and writing processes with at least one PhD student. What’s more, TAU students can also take advantage of NYU’s resources in return by enrolling at one of the University’s global academic sites for a semester.

NYU London Professor Valerie Wells Published in Cancer Gene Therapy

βGBP cytokine, a naturally occurring molecule in the human body, has the ability to induce cell death in cancer cells, finds a new study from NYU London professor Valerie Wells and King’s College London professor Livio Mallucci. Published in Cancer Gene Therapy, their coauthored paper on the mechanisms of cell signaling and gene expression reports that the molecule can regulate cell proliferation by either controlling an intrinsic S phase (DNA replication) checkpoint in normal cells or inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells. Their findings provide a rationale for understanding how a process that naturally controls cell proliferation has extended anticancer potentials.

Collaboration with King’s College London

According to Wells, her research has progressed over many years while working with Professor Mallucci and the King’s College London Cell Signalling and Growth Laboratory. Their recent paper is an extension of previous work, including their 2019 publication in the British Journal of Cancer, where they report that the βGBP cytokine is a “physiological inducer of procedures that lead to immunogenic cell death.” Unlike chemotherapy treatments, which carry associated toxicity, Wells and her team showed that the βGBP cytokine is a safe immune molecule that acts as a tumor suppressor with the potential for long-term protection against cancer. This paper provides “direct experimental evidence for a rationale to explore the potential of a strategy based on the use of a natural immunomolecule with no innate toxicity.”

Professor Valerie Wells, a Brief Biography

Valerie Wells

Professor Valerie Wells

Professor Valerie Wells is a research scientist and lecturer at NYU London who studies the operation of signaling pathways in different cell types. After the βGBP cytokine was found to selectively induce apoptosis in cancer cells, Wells continued her research by investigating the molecular signaling pathways the βGBP cytokine controls to regulate the normal cell cycle and cause programmed cell death and immunogenic cell death in tumor cells.

During her time at NYU, Wells has fused her passion for research and teaching into one meaningful career. “The combination of research and teaching is both enjoyable and valuable,” she says. “NYU students’ commitment to their studies, their ideas, and their discussions and their interest in relating their studies to the wider context provide an interesting and stimulating atmosphere for the teaching aspect of my career.”

To read the full paper by Wells and Mallucci, titled “Intrinsic S phase checkpoint enforced by an antiproliferative oncosuppressor cytokine,” visit Cancer Gene Therapy. To read their 2019 paper, titled “Sourcing the immune system to induce immunogenic cell death in Kras-colorectal cancer cells,” visit the British Journal of Cancer.

Written by Samantha Jamison

Environmental Studies Abroad

NYU global faculty teach a range of courses on environmental studies. At NYU Shanghai, for example, faculty discuss the government’s response to environmental challenges. At NYU Sydney, faculty consider the impact of literature on environmental action. And at other NYU sites, faculty study the evolution of US environmental policy on everything from climate change and invasive species to land management and fracking. Below, we outline several environmental studies courses offered at NYU’s global academic locations.

A professor and students squat in the forest to discuss the soil

NYU London’s Climate Change course on a class trip to Highgate Wood

Finding Your Focus at NYU London

In Dr. Lisa Weber’s Climate Change course, students acquire a multifaceted understanding of climate change while studying in a global center of policy, business, and research. They learn how the climate system works and how human activities influence greenhouse gas emissions. They also explore projections about past and potential future climate change on Earth.

Before her time at NYU London, Mahima Kakani, Class of 2021, was pursuing a Business degree at the Stern School of Business with concentrations in finance and business economics. But after taking Weber’s Climate Change course, she changed her second concentration to sustainable business. “By thinking about how businesses can remain profitable while also doing good, we can contribute to a better environment while creating significant economic opportunities for communities,” she explains.

Mahima was particularly inspired by the class discussions they had on European companies and their response to climate change regulations. For example, her class discussed Airbus’ efforts toward zero-emission flight. After graduation, Mahima hopes to work on sustainability in the private sector.

Students and a professor seated at a table covered in maps.

Students meet with their professor in NYU Berlin’s Urban Greening Lab course.

Exploring Community Activism at NYU Berlin

NYU Berlin lecturer Sigismund Sliwinski teaches a course called Urban Greening Lab, which provides a comprehensive look at Berlin’s urban ecology and approaches to urban planning. In Sliwinski’s course students discuss the intersection of Berlin’s built structure, urban nature, and culture. They also attend workshops and visit local neighborhoods and sites, such as an indoor market called Markthalle Neun, the ufaFabrik cultural center, and an urban farmland called the Princess Gardens, to understand Berlin’s history of urban change along with the processes that turned it into a global green icon.

For Nina Lehrecke, Class of 2021, taking Urban Greening Lab gave her the confidence to pursue a concentration in infrastructural ecologies at the Gallatin School of Individualized Study. The class trips especially influenced her outlook. “It was affirming,” Nina says. “I’m focused on how community-based movements and activism shape cities, and the class was all about visiting alternative communities that are sustainable in some way.”

Students walk along a green and rocky coast

NYU Sydney students walk along the coast.

Witnessing the Effects of Climate Change Up Close at NYU Sydney

Over the years, lecturers at NYU Sydney have taught students how to report on environmental issues in a country directly experiencing the climate crisis. In Australia concerns about climate change and its effects on society can be found in the media every day, as was evident in the case of the wildfires from late 2019 to early 2020. The environmental journalism courses at NYU Sydney—which is scheduled to reopen in its new home this fall after its closure in spring 2020 due to COVID-related border restrictions—help expose students to some of the most important environmental issues of our time.

As part of an environmental journalism course he took while studying at NYU Sydney, Nicolas Mendoza, Class of 2020, learned about the effects of climate change on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. In particular, he learned about the 2016 mass bleaching event that wiped out approximately 30 percent of shallow-water corals.

On a diving trip in Cairns, Nicolas witnessed these effects up close. But he also encountered people trying to save the reef, which gave him hope. “Even though the reef is clearly damaged, the people who are looking after it really do care,” he says. “We’re all there because we want to get some actual experience with these issues so we can try to protect other ecosystems.”

Overall, in their environmental studies courses, NYU global faculty teach students how to address the consequences of climate change and other environmental threats. Their coursework also sheds light on the global activism related to these issues.

Content adapted with permission from NYU Global Notebook by Samantha Jamison

The Return of Study Away—An International Education Week Program

Last fall during International Education Week, NYU hosted an array of events that explored the benefits of international study away programs. One of those programs—a virtual roundtable discussion featured four NYU site directors. NYU Tel Aviv’s Benjamin Hary, NYU Accra’s Chiké Frankie Edozien, NYU Berlin’s Gabriella Etmektsoglou, and NYU London’s Catherine Robson discussed the lessons COVID-19 taught them, how they used those lessons to reconstruct their programs, and their hopes for future study away students. NYU’s Associate Director of Study Away Student Support Alejandro Marti moderated the panel.


Site directors, Chiké Frankie Edozien (top left), Gabriella Etmektsoglou (top right), Catherine Robson (bottom right), and Benjamin Hary (bottom left)

Using the Past to Reshape the Future

When the pandemic first began in 2020, the faculty and staff at NYU’s global sites quickly adjusted. They adopted Zoom technology for virtual classes, planned online events for cultural immersion, and reimagined the scope of their curricula. Unsurprisingly, the lessons they learned in 2020 influenced the trajectory of their programs in 2021. For Chiké Frankie Edozien (NYU Accra), this meant creating new experiential learning trips and adopting new wellness guidelines for students.

“We tried a lot of things during the time of restrictions with our Go Local students who were primarily Ghanaian,” said Edozien. “We tried new excursions based on topics like climate change, taking students to the sea defense wall construction site. We weren’t able to (and we’re still not able to) do overnight trips, so we tried to think of ways we could teach students about Accra outside of the classroom—ways that allowed them to come back safely without the need for excessive travel or hotels. Sometimes we held classes outside so students and professors could be out in the sun, rather than in a confined space, and feel a bit more safe. We also encouraged our faculty to implement what we call ‘mask breaks’ so students can remove their masks for a short time before continuing their work.”

Similar to NYU Accra, Benjamin Hary and his team at NYU Tel Aviv spent the first part of the pandemic redesigning their curriculum to accommodate COVID-19 regulations. They now invite a range of guest lecturers to the classroom, and they developed a robust orientation for students who might need to quarantine upon their arrival in Israel.

“As we prepared for last semester, we created ways to connect students with one another and staff,” said Hary. “What my staff did for orientation, which was totally online because students were in quarantine, is a good example of this. We usually take the students to the famous Tel Aviv market, but since we couldn’t do that, my staff created a video of the market instead. They went to each specific ethnic food place and actually bought all the same food for the students. We delivered it to their doors so when they were watching the video, we could tell them about the food, and they could follow along. They loved it.” In addition, he noted, “With Zoom, it is very easy to invite people, such as guest lecturers and other experts, to participate in our programming, regardless of their physical location.”

Preparing Intentional Coursework for All Circumstances

During the early months of the pandemic, NYU’s global staff worked hard to create a future curriculum that could span multiple formats: in person, online, and/or hybrid. By preparing for various circumstances, NYU’s global locations worked to ensure students never missed a beat in their education.

“Without our faculty, we would not have been able to offer such a good experience for our students,” said Gabriella Etmektsoglou (NYU Berlin). “They showed adaptability and flexibility. They developed so many different options for their courses within a semester. In Berlin, for example, we had times when we were teaching in person and hybrid, and we had times when we had to lock down the site for a few weeks. If you had planned trips to museums or nongovernmental organizations during those weeks, you had to totally rethink your class. The faculty really embraced, very intentionally, the values of equity, diversity, belonging, inclusion, and accessibility when rethinking their sessions. It wasn’t simply, ‘I can’t go to this museum. What do I do now?’ It was, ‘Why was I going to this museum to begin with? Is there any way I can bring this museum to my class?’”

Eagerly Awaiting Cultural Immersion

The pandemic forced educators across the globe to rethink and reimagine the ways in which students learn. While some tactics will remain in place moving forward, such as expanded access to guest lecturers, increased collaboration between study away sites, and new experiential learning opportunities, other tactics will likely fall to the wayside, like learning a new language online or participating in a remote internship—both of which are challenging to accomplish without full-blown cultural immersion.

“In orientation we always talk about immersion in your new culture,” said Catherine Robson (NYU London). “Only by doing that do you start to think deeply about the place you come from. When you’re remote, you’re still in your usual place. You don’t have that experience of sort of turning inward, of being challenged to think about your own country, your own region, your own locality. Only by being in that different environment do you really start to reflect because it defamiliarizes what was deeply unquestioned by you before. And so that is why actually being in person in that different country is so key to what we do.”
And that’s why NYU’s global staff are eager to welcome more and more students back to their centers this year in 2022.

What’s Ahead: Embrace the Unexpected

For students preparing to study abroad in the coming semesters, all four site directors encouraged them to maintain an open mind and a positive attitude.

“Right now I think students need to be adaptable and have a little bit of trust in the future,” said Etmektsoglou. “Twelve years ago when I started at NYU Berlin, it was so much more about traveling. Now it’s about your professional career and your development as a young researcher. Yes, you might miss some traveling, but it’s not the key. Because of the pandemic and because of the way we used the time, the quality of our classes increased. They’re much more focused on addressing the career skills and needs for professional competencies. They’re about applied research; they’re about becoming entrepreneurial young professionals. Students will benefit from the diversity, the guests, and all the things we embraced during the pandemic.”

Written by Samantha Jamison