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Diversity and Inclusion in the NYU Global Network: Chijioke Obasi Named Director for Global Programs Inclusive Engagement

When Chijioke Obasi joined NYU earlier this year as director for global programs inclusive engagement, she brought a wealth of experience to the role. Dr. Obasi, who is based in London, began her higher education career as a communication support worker for deaf students who use sign language. Since then, she’s held various faculty and administrative roles in both social work and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). And she’s found that the two areas are more connected than one might think at first. “Valuing lived experience and cultural humility is transferable across both areas,” she says. “Working with difference and developing good intercultural communication skills are essential to both.”

Portrait of Dr. Chijioke Obasi

Dr. Chijioke Obasi

Dr. Obasi’s doctoral research at the University of Central Lancashire centered the experiences of Black women and culturally Deaf women at work in the UK. She notes that her previous experience and research are directly applicable to her new role. “My work for the Office of Global Programs has made me think about how accessible our study away programs are for students from many different backgrounds,” she says. “It would be great to increase access for students with physical disabilities, for example, but this would need to be done in a way that promotes a truly inclusive environment, where students feel a true sense of belonging. I am keen to work with students and other colleagues to look at how we might best do this.”

Given how different DEI is across the world, it’s no small feat to ensure students from all backgrounds feel this sense of belonging and are able to realize their full potential while studying away. “Because of all the wide-ranging histories, legislation, and cultural practices across the world, we are not looking for a one-size-fits-all approach,” says Dr. Obasi. 

It takes time to adjust to the culture, language, and even climate in a new country. Dr. Obasi offers students opportunities to tap into all the resources they have available for intercultural learning and communication. “From their predeparture to their return and beyond, our office ensures that all students have the chance to engage with their personal issues of identity and self-awareness as well as wider issues of global inclusion.”

To further their mission, Dr. Obasi and the Office of Global Programs now hold an online mixer where students from across the NYU global network can build community and discuss DEI issues. She also hopes to work closely with students currently studying away to make a series of videos about the global sites and student experiences within particular affinity groups. In addition, her plans to work closely with NYU staff and develop intercultural competence extend the scope of the typical global programs audience. The hope is that every community member can help make the NYU global network an even more diverse, welcoming, and vibrant place than it is already.

Written by Kristin Maffei

NYU Madrid: A Day in the Life

Gabby, a Global Liberal Studies major concentrating in art, text, and media, learns about Spanish culture. Her day starts at her favorite coffee shop, then the Prado Museum, Retiro Park, and her internship at el Chico, an art gallery, and it ends at the NYU Madrid academic center where she attends her evening class on Spanish cinema.

Prague Internships

NYU Prague students share their favorite moments from internships during their time studying away.

Three smiling NYU students face a group of children

NYU Prague students teach Czech elementary school students English through the Prague Elementary program.

Prague Elementary
This program brings native English users into Prague elementary schools to help children learn English.

“My best memory was helping the students gain the confidence to perform a play in English! Many of the students felt out of place because they were experiencing something new, but it was heartwarming watching them come out of their shells.”
—Emily Tsao, Music Education, Class of 2025

“When one of the kids gave me a drawing of their family. It was so sweet and reminded me of my own.”
—Lina Wang, Business, Class of 2024

Organization for Aid to Refugees (OPU)
Since 1991, this nonprofit and nongovernmental organization has supported refugees in the Czech Republic. OPU offers free legal and social counseling, training programs for professionals, and other activities to welcome and integrate refugees. Fighting against xenophobia and racial and ethnic intolerance is one of their main goals.

“Organizing a Holi event for the kids and watching them decorate bags, color, and get their faces painted!”
—Ela Kulkarni, Global Liberal Studies, Class of 2025

CEE Bankwatch Network
CEE Bankwatch Network is a global network of 15 member groups and 13 countries working to prevent environmentally and socially harmful international development as well as promote alternative solutions and community input.

“Writing a case study on a hydropower plant in Serbia!”
—Molly Bombard, Public Policy, Class of 2024

Memory of Nations’ High School
Opened in 2021, the Memory of Nations’ High School focuses on modern history, social and media education, practical journalism, world languages, and other humanities subjects. In addition to partnering with NYU Prague, the high school works with Sokolov Grammar School and the Higher Vocational School of Journalism.

“It’s hard to come up with a specific moment, but I’m fortunate enough to have developed a kind of relationship where we’re open and sharing about our personal lives. The students feel like my mini-therapists sometimes.”
—Emily Yang, Sociology, Class of 2024

NYU Buenos Aires: A Day in the Life

Jida, a College of Arts and Science sophomore, shares what a typical day is like for her at NYU Buenos Aires, offering insights on her experiences volunteering, living with her host mother, and soaking up the opportunity to live and study at the NYU global network’s southernmost site.

Focused on the Future of NYU London: A Conversation with Executive Director Mojtaba Moatamedi

Portrait of Dr.Mojtaba Moatamedi

Dr.Mojtaba Moatamedi

Dr. Mojtaba Moatamedi, NYU London’s new executive director, joined the staff in January 2023 and has big plans for the global location’s future. Formerly the president of Al Ghurair University in the United Arab Emirates, Moatamedi says it was the possibility surrounding NYU London and what lies ahead for the site, especially its new, state-of-the-art academic center slated to open in fall 2024, that drew him to the job.

Moatamedi brings a wealth of experience in senior leadership, research, and teaching to NYU London, and, prior to his role as Al Ghurair University’s president, he served as the university’s dean of the College of Engineering and Computing. He has also held leadership roles at Imperial College London, Cranfield University, the Arctic University of Norway, University of Salford, and the University of Sheffield.

Moatamedi’s education includes a PhD in Engineering from the University of Sheffield, an MBA from the University of Manchester’s Alliance Manchester Business School, and an LLM in International Business Law from the University of Leeds. His research and teaching focuses on multiphysics, modeling and simulations, and engineering design.

Global Dimensions recently caught up with Dr. Moatamedi. Here’s what he had to share:

Global Dimensions: What drew you to NYU London?

Dr. Moatamedi: The main excitement for me was the future of NYU London. A lot can happen with the new academic center building, opening next year. The University is very invested in NYU London, and I was drawn to the opportunity to really build something and make a difference—that is the biggest reason I came here.

Global Dimensions: You mentioned the new academic center on the horizon. How will this new space impact NYU London students?

Dr. Moatamedi: First, the last 25 years of NYU London has helped us shape what our students need both space- and technology-wise. So we kept the shell of the new building but removed everything else, designing it exactly for our students. Our current space is somewhat limited. For the most part, students come to class and then they leave. They don’t really have a place for “student life” just yet. But with the new building, the whole design—an outdoor space, student lounges, a place to pick up food and beverages—will be really exciting.

Second, the building is in one of the best locations in London. In terms of universities, we’re next to the London School of Economics and King’s College London. Being adjacent to other universities will enhance the student experience immensely. We’re also 10 to 15 minutes away from Downing Street and the Parliament of England. And it’s on one of the oldest streets in London in a central area for music and arts. So building this new academic center and becoming a neighbor of these universities will help us enhance the profile of NYU London in the United Kingdom.

Overall, the student experience is going to be amazing. Our students will really get to experience being a student in the UK while also getting a great education.

Global Dimensions: The building is anticipated to open fall 2024. Where are you in that process?

Dr. Moatamedi: We’ve already started. If you look at the building, the scaffolding is up and they’re hard at work.

It’s really exciting and, for me, personally, this building represents a long-term commitment. The future of NYU London is bright and it’s going to be different from any other academic site.

Global Dimensions: When it’s all said and done, what do you hope your students take away from their time at NYU London?

Dr. Moatamedi: Our students are getting to work with some of the best academics in the country (we have more than 100 faculty) who’ve worked at some of the top universities in the UK. And they all work hard to bring bits and pieces of UK history into our courses. When students are in class, we don’t want it to be a generic classroom experience—we want them to really learn about the UK.

Written by Kelly Stewart