Meet a Global Equity Fellow – Brian Ruiz, NYU Buenos Aires

Brian is a rising junior and HEOP student at NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study pursuing a concentration on Prison Abolition. Brian wants to focus on how the Prison Industrial Complex affects marginalized communities and groups of color in New York City. In particular, he is interested in the ways in which he can utilize his experience in community organizing, transformative justice, and film-making. Brian seeks to center marginalized communities and groups of color, dismantle the current oppressive carceral system, and create a new system that ensures accountability, healing, and community. Brian is Domincian and a New York resident from Washington Heights, a predominantly Latinx community. He greatly values community as it is essential to forming relationships, trust, and a love for the land.He is a grassroots community organizer who has done work in the South Bronx and Bushwick on anti-carceral, anti-gentrification, and immigration-related topics.

During his time at NYU, Brian has worked with other students to cultivate spaces for inclusive and diverse communities through his work in the HEOP Alternative Break to Puerto Rico, Gallatin Sophomore Student Council, and Gallatin Diversity Council. Brian looks forward to working with many grassroots community organizers, artists, and students in Buenos Aires as to not only create spaces of diversity, inclusion, and belonging, but also confronting and resisting political and social issues as a means of radically transforming our societies and systems.