Inside Italian Politics at NYU Florence

A crucial general election was held in Italy less than one year ago. The outcome of the election was a hung parliament, with no party or coalition of parties winning the majority of seats on its own. The most remarkable result was the unprecedented success of the two populist parties, the Five Star Movement (M5S) and the League, at the expense of the two mainstream parties, the Democratic Party and Forza Italia. After three months of complex negotiations, an M5S-League government was formed. While the new dividing line in Europe that sets eurosceptic, anti-immigrant and anti-globalization parties against europhile, pro-multiculturalism, and pro-globalization parties seems to be gaining momentum, so far Italy is the only country in Western Europe where the populists stand in office unopposed. This may have consequences for the future of the Italian political and party systems as well as for the relationship between Italy and the EU. 

On February 4, NYU Florence will host an event, Inside Italian Politics, featuring Roberto D´Alimonte, LUISS Guido Carli Rome and NYU Florence, and Alessandro Chiaramonte, University of Florence and NYU Florence.

Check out student coverage of the Italian Elections of March 4, 2018 on LPD´s Italian Politics Brief (run by NYU Florence students).