Volunteering at NYU Accra

There are dozens of opportunities for students to volunteer while at NYU Accra. Students tend to participate in volunteer opportunities involving children. Getting to know the youth of Accra has served as a way for NYU Accra students to gain a unique perspective on specific slices of life in the city, and it allows students to give back to the community they call home for the semester.

SPS sophomore Arik Rosenstein is a huge football (soccer) fan. In fact, he decided to study abroad in Accra because he wanted to understand how the sport serves communities here. When Arik arrived, he quickly worked with Victor Yeboah, NYU Accra’s community service director, to find a school in the neighborhood of Labone whose soccer team he could coach on Fridays. He balances this with an internship at the professional football team, Accra Hearts of Oak.

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CAS junior Natasha Roy volunteers at New Horizon Special School, a school for special needs people in Accra, twice a week. New Horizon Special School is located in the nearby neighborhood of Cantonments and serves children and adults with learning disabilities by providing both education and workshops for vocational skills.. NYU has a tradition of students volunteering at New Horizon, and Natasha helps the teachers in a classroom for 11-16-year-olds.