NYU Berlin Hosts Decolonize Mitte! Humboldt Forum, Museum Island, and the Palace

On 19 November, NYU Berlin will host a public talk: DECOLONIZE MITTE!

Moderated by Ares Kalandides of NYU Berlin, the discussants will include Annette Loeseke (NYU Berlin), Stephanie Pearson (NYU Berlin & Humboldt-Universität), Wayne Modest (Research Centre for Material Culture, Amsterdam), and Iris Rajanayagam (xart splitta, Berlin).

As the Asian Art and Ethnological Museum collections move into the Humboldt Forum, questions have arisen about how to be responsible stewards of cultural heritage. 

Provenance research and repatriation are in the spotlight; but what is still missing from the public discourse is any recognition of – and attempt to grapple with – a fare more pervasive problem: the colonial perspective that informs museum displays not only in the Forum (most evident in its architectural frame, the reconstructed imperial Schloss) but all across Museum Island. This public talk draws attention to the above challenges and searches for solutions.