NYU Shanghai Professor Marianne Petit wins Distinguished Teaching Award


For exceptional teaching inside and outside of the classroom setting,  NYU Shanghai Associate Arts Professor and Director of IMA, Marianne Petit, is being honored with this year’s Distinguished Teaching Award. Established in 1987, the award has highlighted New York University’s commitment to teaching excellence and is given annually to selected outstanding members of the faculty.

“I am delighted that Marianne has won NYU’s Distinguished Teaching Award, which is awarded to only the very best of NYU’s many fine teachers. She is an inspiration to her students and to us all, and richly deserves this recognition,” said Provost for NYU Shanghai and Julius Silver Professor of History Joanna Waley-Cohen.

Nominated by students, faculty and alumni, recipients of this honor are presented with a medal and a monetary award in recognition of their significant contributions to the intellectual life of the University through their excellence as educators over a sustained period of time. Recipients must have the ability to inspire, promote, and sustain the intellectual development of students with a pedagogical approach that is innovative, intellectually rigorous, creative and engaging.

“I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside Professor Petit for 15 years in New York and Shanghai, and I realized that too few people know what an extraordinary teacher and mentor she is. I was delighted to learn that the University is recognizing her extraordinary contributions. As anyone who has worked with her can tell you, she is one of NYU’s treasures, and this award is richly deserved,” said Associate Professor of IMA Clay Shirky.

This story originally appeared here