Dvorak Project - Prof. Beckerman

Michael Beckerman – Musical Geographies of Dvorak’s New York


FAS Ed Tech worked closely with FAS Music Professor Michael Beckerman on a collaborative class project for his Freshman Seminar class. Students learned to use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) technology as both a research and narrative tool, demonstrating connections among New York City’s history, geography, and architecture, and connecting these with Dvořák’s impact on and experience with American music culture during his time spent in the city (1892-1895).  Students used the Fulcrum app on their mobile devices to explore and collect information from locations around the city significant to Dvořák’s time. While developing their “story map” students investigated several different threads that emerged from the initial data captured via the Fulcrum app.  


  • Assist Professor Beckerman and students in a project combining location data, multimedia, and historical reSearch
  • Determine, in collaboration with instructor and students, appropriate tools for location-based research and media collection for student projects
  • Partner with NYU Library Data Services to provide access and training to GIS tools (Fulcrum, ESRI)
  • Facilitate management of student-generated data collections  and provide technical assistance importing Fulcrum data into ESRI Story Maps


Combining location data, multimedia, and historical information, Professor Beckerman’s students used both CARTO and ESRI Story Maps to create interactive, GIS-focused presentations describing Dvořák’s influence on NYC and American music cultures, as well as America’s musical influence on Dvořák.

Technology Resources

  • Fulcrum mobile app
  • ESRI Story Maps
  • Carto

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