Getting to and into the buildings. NYU does not allow us to put up signs directing you to the site of the conference, so please make sure to look up where everything is before you arrive. There are maps on the Local information page. Also, access to all NYU buildings requires a government-issued picture ID such as a passport or US state driver’s license.
Internet access. You can connect to NYU’s eduroam network anytime using your home institution’s credentials; check your university’s IT department instructions.
Conference booklets. We will not be printing paper programs, but there will be a printout of the schedule and one printed copy of the program at the registration desk. Please bring an electronic device if you want to look at the abstracts during the conference. A single PDF with all the abstracts can be downloaded here.
Talks. Talks are 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions/discussion. Please take time to introduce yourself to the session chair before the start of your session. The session chair will keep time for you and let you know when you have 10 minutes, 5 minutes, and 1 minute left. If you go overtime, that will just take time out of your discussion period.
Projecting slides. All the rooms have HDMI connectors, which look like this:
The room where the tutorials will be held, 10 Washington Place room 104, has HDMI, VGA, and DVI connectors.
We recommend that you test your presentation set-up during a break before your session to ensure that there are no technical problems. We also suggest that you bring your presentation in PDF format on a USB stick, so that you can present from a different computer in case of equipment failure. Paper handouts are always a good backup plan.
Please make sure you bring any dongles your computer requires. NYU’s Computer Store is on Broadway, just a few blocks away from the main session site. There is also a Staples on 6th Ave (“Avenue of the Americas”) between Waverly Place and 8th Street.
Sound. HDMI connectors should allow you to play sound. 10 Washington Place also has a standard 1/8″ jack, like the one on the headphones you plug into your laptop. Please let us know as soon as possible if you have any additional technical requirements.
Screen size. Lipton Hall has the largest pull-down screen; 10 Washington Place has a medium-sized one. The Greenberg Lounge has two LED TV screens, 60″. Please make sure that your slides use a large enough font size that people can read from the back of the room.
Posters. Poster sessions are 90 minutes long. You should be prepared to attend your poster and answer audience questions throughout your session. Thumbtacks and tape will be provided.
Poster board dimensions are 48 inches wide and 36 inches high (122 cm x 91 cm). The boards are tri-fold so you will only be able to use them in landscape layout. Please ensure that your printout is no bigger.
Here are some tips for designing an effective poster: (with pictures of good and bad posters) (specific to linguistics)
Handouts. If you plan on using handouts, we recommend bringing about 120 copies. There are several copy shops in the area should you need to make more copies.
New University Copy
11 Waverly Pl, Ste 4
New York, NY 10003
Unique Copy Center
252 Greene St
New York, NY 10003
FedEx Office Print & Ship Center
21 Astor Pl
New York, NY 10003
Advanced Copy
552 Laguardia Pl
New York, NY 10012
Proceedings. Information about the proceedings will be posted after the conference.