- Home and Neighborhood घर और इलाका
- Family, Friends, celebrations परिवार, दोस्त, त्यौहार
- Bazaar and Shopping बाज़ार और खरीददारी
- Food and Health खाना और स्वास्थ्य
- Travel and Leisure यात्रा और अवकाश
- Travel and Leisure (Intermediate Range tasks)
- Society and Environment समाज और पर्यावरण
- Literature and Culture साहित्य और संस्कृति
SAMPLE TASKS (in each mode at each level):
- Birbal Story (Intermediate Range Literacy)
- Child Labor Introduction (intermediate Range)
- House/Home (Novice and Intermediate)
- Paper Boy (3 levels)
- Seasons and Travel Assessment (Intermediate Range with rubrics)
- Single Mother Story (Intermediate Range)
- Time and Trip Planning (Novice and Intermediate)
- Traditional Occupations (3 levels)
- Travel and Leisure Role Plays (Intermediate Range)
- Water Crisis (Intermediate Range)
- 6 Miscellenious Tasks (Intermediate Low)
Collection of Intermediate Level Travel Modules
Novice: Intermediate and Advanced: