Tag: Energy

Green Cleaning

Many ingredients in conventional cleaning products may pose environmental and health risks. This guide will help you easily identify sustainable and effective alternatives!

hand wearing dishwasher glove scrubbing dirt of a table with water, lemon, and baking sodaBetter Commercial Products

  • Look for reputable certification labels – Check out the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) comprehensive guide on greener cleaning products. Look for “Safer Choice” and “Design for the Environment” certification labels created by the EPA to identify products made with ingredients that are safer for you and the environment. There are other third-party certifications with various goals and standards. The EPA provides a full list of recommendations in regards to private sector standards and eco-labels.
  • Use your products to the last drop – Don’t throw a product away until it’s fully empty. Store bottles upside down to get every drop. If you’re at the start of your green cleaning journey, use up what you have left and switch over to sustainable alternatives as you run out. 

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