Category: Tips

Must Read: Environmental Edition

I, like many other house-bound folks during quarantine, have promised myself that I want to spend time doing something OTHER than Netflix: work out, maybe even start baking bread? One thing that’s definitely on the list is reading. For transparency sake, reading also made an appearance on my ‘new year resolution’ list, but trust me – this time, it’s different. 

We’ve compiled a list of environmental must-reads. Some are fiction, some are fact, but all of them are fantastic. We’ve even included a few selections for kids, for the parents who are learning how to homeschool their kids for the first time.  Read more

10 Actions For a VIRTUAL Earth Month

virtual earth month 2020

As we practice social distancing and find ways to reach out and check in with our neighbors, we are being called to consider how our actions affect the most vulnerable among us; is that not the very same collective action the climate crisis demands?

To that end, recent reports have examined how social distancing due to the spread of the coronavirus may have unexpected consequences for climate change. Many of the actions people are taking during this time from reducing air travel to consuming less could significantly reduce one’s carbon footprint.

Though in-person gatherings in honor of Earth Day at 50 have been cancelled or postponed, there are still ways to mark this occasion even in self-isolation. Here are 10 things you can start doing during this unique moment to stay healthy and safe while honoring the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, and committing to a more sustainable life now and into the future. Read more

#TheTea on Fast Fashion

by Carson Bandy

The clothes we put on our back are profoundly personal. Almost as personal as what we choose to put into our bodies. The clothes we wear have stories, good ones, of the times we had in them or the joy they’ve brought us. But there can also be a darker story attached to them that’s not often seen. As some of you may have read in my last blog post, this year I have commited to quit fast fashion. Not only is textile production one of the most polluting industries in the world, but it also comes with a slew of human rights violations. This isn’t exactly new information but what exactly is fast fashion? Fast fashion can be defined in a few different ways. The ethical rating website Good On You defines fast fashion as “cheap, trendy clothing, that samples ideas from the catwalk or celebrity culture and turns them into garments in high street stores at breakneck speed.” Investopia describes fast fashion as “a term used by fashion retailers to describe inexpensive designs that move quickly from the catwalk to stores to meet new trends.  Read more