Do you remember the time you received your first box of 64 Crayola Crayons? Do you recall the crisp edges of the green and yellow box? The tucked-away sharpener in the back? The faint scent of wax drifting aloft? The glowing symmetric rows of colors?
Do you remember the joy of endless possibilities?
I cherished my first box of crayons. Before this gift, I shared used nubs of crayons with other kids at school or siblings at home. Often the best colors were missing or in the hands of another. This gift was a pristine box of possibilities.
I remember learning that a purple crayon could be violet, or fuchsia, or magenta. Blues could be royal or navy. I could draw anything I could imagine in any color. Pink houses, shining suns that were half orange and half yellow, even polka dot cats,…endless possibilities.