Project 2: Generative Design

Aditi’s Generative Design

After Prof. Levin’s lecture, I became interested in the concept of Truchet and Wang tiles. I made my own set of 16 tiles and an algorithm that allows me to join the tiles together according to a set of constraints. Of those 16 tiles, 1 is an unconnected shape, 4 connect to just 1 side, 4 connect to 2 adjacent sides, 2 connect to 2 opposite sides, 4 connect to 3 sides, and 1 connects to all 4 sides. That may be kind of confusing so I added in a little sketch I did while designing the tiles.

Here is the p5.js sketch if you want to take a look:

The tiles are drawn in the tiles.js file and the constraints and drawing function are in the arrangeTiles.js file. I’ll add in scans of the riso prints I did soon 🙏.

Project 1: Animation

Aditi’s Animation


I chose the animal sequence from McLean’s Optical Illusions (1833). The contact sheets were printed using orange and blue on tabloid size paper. I made four of each contact sheet and chose which frames to use based on how sharp the still images printed. I like the contrast between the orange and blue and like that the graininess of the background makes the more densely inked shapes stand out.