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INTERSECTIONS is an NYU Washington, DC initiative that creates opportunities for students to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others while studying in DC.  The initiative consists of the following programs:

 An introductory workshop during Welcome Week for all NYU Washington, DC students to learn about the Intersections initiative and programs; develop a shared understanding of language related to identity and oppression; and begin to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and others within the context of their new environments.

PATHS:  Exploration groups organized by NYU Washington, DC students to develop a deeper understanding around a particular interest area / personal identity over the course of the semester.  Fall 2018 Paths included Green Initiatives, Health & Wellness, Movies, and Pre-Law!  Fall 2017 Paths included the Cross-Pacific Cultural Alliance, Full Exposure, and Political Talk, and Spring 2018 Paths included Full Exposure, Meditative Arts, and Movie Club!

GROUPS:  Affinity groups organized by NYU Washington, DC students to process and amplify their experiences in DC through the lens of a salient social identity.  Fall 2018 Groups included an International Students Group, LGBTQ+ Group, Students of Color Alliance, and Women’s Empowerment Group!  Fall 2017 Groups included an International Students Group, LGBT NYUDC, Spirituality Group, Students of Color Alliance, and Women’s Empowerment Group, and Spring 2018 Groups included an LGBTQ+ Group!

STORYCORPS:  Opportunities for NYU Washington, DC students to reflect on and share their experiences in Washington, DC with a larger audience.  Visit the StoryCorps website for some photo, audio, video, and written content!

SERVICECORPS:  Opportunities for NYU Washington, DC students to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and Washington, DC through volunteer service.  Partnerships for the Fall 2018 semester included Martha’s Table Joyful Food Market and SMYAL!  Partnerships during the 2017-2018 academic year included Martha’s Table Joyful Food Market at Smothers Elementary School and City Blossoms community gardens!

DIALOGUES:  Periodic workshops organized by NYU Washington, DC staff for NYU Washington, DC students to expand their capacities to engage in dialogue around identity and oppression.

PLAYLISTS:  Crowd-sourced playlists from NYU Washington, DC students that focus on various themes.  Listen to the playlists on the NYU Washington, DC Spotify account!