Warly Lifestyle

Lesson Developed by Patrica Sabarwal and Mamta Tripathi (YHS Fulbright-Hays 2022)

Photo credit: Indianartlover

This lesson plan is a part of the Warli Tribe Unit in the following sequence:

  1. Geography and Environment 
  2. A Warli Folk Tale- Kansari Devi 
  3. Sustainable Lifestyle of Warli Community

Proficiency Level: Intermediate Low-Intermediate Mid  

Students: HLL and FLL; Age: High school and post-secondary

Time: 3X50min

Essential Questions:  How do sustainable lifestyles of different communities around the world compare and differ from my own?

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to 

  • interpret Warli artwork to ask and answer questions related to their daily lifestyle
  • exchange information on activities that define the sustainable lifestyle of Warli community 
  • comment on the practices and perspectives behind the daily activities of Warli community
  • create a short story to inform the community about the sustainable lifestyle practices of indigenous people

Language Structures:

  1. Review present and past progressive tense
  2. Connectors-और, लेकिन, फिर भी, क्योंकि, जब.. तब
  3. Present and past habitual tense (verb stem +ता/ ते/ ती and appropriate present and past form of होना)-जाता है/ जाती है, करते हैं, करते थे, चराते थे, कुएँ से पानी भरती थी/ है
  4. कर Construction (verb stem +कर)- लकड़ियाँ काटकर, मिलजुल कर, काम बाँटकर
  5. Adjectives to describe characters and the setting of the story-खुशहाल, मेहनती, आलसी, काफ़ी, परेशान, बुद्धिमान 


स्वदेशी  indigenous मौखिक oral
जनजाति (f) tribe घाट (m) wharf
आदिवासी (m) aboriginal निरक्षर illiterate
सीमा (f) boundary के बावजूद in spite of
मान्यताएँ (f) beliefs, values संबंध (m) relation
परंपराएँ (f) traditions प्रकृति (f) nature
संस्कृति (f) culture संरक्षण (m) conservation
जीवन शैली (f) life style गोबर (m) cow dung
रीति रिवाज़ (m) customs गेरू (m) natural ocher mud
अलिखित unwritten लेप (m) coating, smear
भूमि (f) land चित्रकारी (f) drawing
टुकड़ा (m) piece दैनिक जीवन (m) daily life
शाश्वत  sustainable कीड़े-मकौड़े (m) bugs, insects
लकड़ियाँ (f) sticks टोकरी (f) basket
अनाज (m) grains धान (m) paddy
मूसल (m) pounder, pestle कूटना  to pound
गोबर(m) cow dung मिलजुल कर  together
लेपना  to coat  भगत (m) village leader

Performance Task: Your school strongly believes that “every problem occurring in the society is a matter of short story, because ‘literature is the doctor of society’ which from time to time churns its thoughts, touches the heart of the reader with sensitive sentiments”. Keeping this as motivation, students of Hindi Community school are asked to create short stories and read them at Hindi Diwas celebration to educate the community on the importance of traditional ecological knowledge reflected in the sustainable lifestyle practices of indigenous people. 

  • Role- students of a community Hindi school presenting information about the sustainable practices
  • Audience- students from other classes, parents, Hindi teachers and invited guests from the community
  • Format- short story highlighting sustainable lifestyle practices
  • Topic- Sustainable lifestyle practices and traditional ecological knowledge of indigenous communities 

Pre-class Activity: 

1. Students watch at home the following segments from the video:


  • Fishing apparatus: (0.10-0.30 minutes)
  • Organic jar: (2:27-3:00 minutes)
  • Rangoli for celebrating child birth: (3:01-4:07 minutes)
  • Payli (measurement unit)- (4:08- 4:37 minutes)
  • Toddy collecting: (9:58- 10:59 minutes)

2. Review present and past progressive tense 

Learning Scenarios

1. Warm-up activities: Students brainstorm on what they know about the tribes, their daily activities and lifestyle and post it on their sticky notes in Google Jamboard. What difference do they observe from their own? Students watch a section of the Warli motion picture (5:01-6:57) and identify the activities pertaining to daily life and farming that they have not listed in their respective sticky notes.

2. Students read about Warli Tribe or watch the video (0:00-3:05 minutes) and work in pairs to answer the following questions:

  • वारली आदिवासी (tribes) भारत के कौनसे राज्यों (Union territories) में रहते हैं?
  • वारली आदिवासी कौनसी भाषा बोलते हैं? वह किस भाषा के जैसी है?
  • “वारली” शब्द का अर्थ क्या है? वारली शब्द की उत्पत्ति कैसे हुई?
  • उनकी मान्यताएँ (beliefs), जीवन शैली (life-style), रीति रिवाज़ (customs)
    और परम्पराएँ (traditions) किस संस्कृति (culture) का हिस्सा हैं? 
  • वार्ली प्रकृति को क्या समझते हैं? 
  • आपको वारली जनजाति के बारे में सबसे ज़्यादा क्या पसंद आया? क्यों?

3. Students are divided into two groups. One group watches the video of the instructor’s trip to India and the other group watches an animated video of Warli Tribe Life.

Students co-construct a vocabulary list (on a Google doc) that can be used to describe what the people are doing in the video. The instructor shares a list of activities (see below) that Warli people do on a daily basis and asks the students to update the list. Students sort the list into 3+ categories (including what time of the day the activities are performed) and explain their rationale.

4. Grammar lesson on connectors.

5. Students come up with 5+ sentences, using connectors, about the setting and describing the environment where people are working in the videos ( इलाका कैसा है? पहाड़ी, समुद्र तट, घर, शहर में, गाँव में, खेत में, स्कूल में, रेगिस्तान में? परिसर कैसा है? घर, इमारतें, बगीचे, गोबर से लेपी हुई फ़र्श, झोंपड़ी, पालतू जानवर, गाय, भैंस, बकरी, मुर्गी/ चूज़े). For example-

  • मेरे विडियो में गाँव था लेकिन शहर नहीं था। 
  • खेत में लोग काम कर रहे थे और गाय घास कहा रही थी। 
  • इसके अलावा मैंने देखा कि एक महिला फर्श को गोबर से लेप रही थी।
  • कोई इमारत नहीं थी, केवल झोंपड़ियाँ थीं। 

6. Grammar lesson on कर construction

7. Students are divided into 2 groups and each group is given the authentic material in the form of the artwork gathered from the Warli tribe (see image 1 & 2 below).Students come up with at least ten sentences describing what the people are doing in each image using 6+ present or past progressive tense constructions and 4+ कर constructions. For example: 

  • एक आदमी गाय चराने जा रहा है। 
  • एक औरत लाठी लेकर चल रही है।  
  • दो सहेलियाँ बैठकर बातें कर रही हैं। 
  • तीन लड़कियाँ सिर पर लकड़ियों का गट्ठर उठाकर चल रही हैं।        
Image 1 
Image 2

8. Grammar lesson on present and past habitual tense

9. In pairs, students will go through information highlighting sustainable living practices of the Warli tribe on the assigned Google slides. They will identify and make a list of habitual constructions.

10. In a Jigsaw activity, each group will watch a certain number of assigned Google slides and exchange information with other groups by asking and answering questions (see examples below). Each student will report on at least 4 sustainable practices that they thought were very interesting and give reasons for them. They will discuss developing their own perspectives behind these practices. 

  • मछली पकड़नेवाला उपकरण कैसे इस्तेमाल करते हैं? 
  • तारपा क्या होता है? वह किससे बनता है? 
  • वारली चित्र कैसे बनाते हैं? 
  • वारली समुदाय की शाश्वत जीवन शैली के पीछे क्या क्या धारणाएँ हैं? 

11. Performance Assessment: Students work in groups of 3-4 and write a story based on daily sustainable activities of a chosen tribe. For ideas and resources they can refer to pictures describing the daily activities and description of sustainable activities on Google slides.  Students will be expected to use the following structures in their stories:

  • Story starters (एक बार की बात है, कई साल पहले की बात है, एक बार, एक दिन, कुछ समय पहले की बात है) 
  • 8+ Connectors (और, लेकिन, फिर भी, क्योंकि, जब.. तब) 
  • 10+ Present and/ or past habitual tense (जाता है/ जाती है, करते हैं, करते थे, चराते थे, कुएं से पानी भरती थी/ है)
  • 6+ कर construction (लकड़ियाँ काटकर, मिलजुल कर, काम बाँटकर )
  • 5+ Adjectives to describe characters and the setting of the story (खुशहाल, मेहनती, आलसी, काफ़ी, परेशान, बुद्धिमान)  

Sample story and the rubrics for the story writing