Warli Folk Tale

Developed by Mamta Tripathi and Patrica Sabarwal (YHS Fulbright-Hays 2022)

वारली जनजाति: कंसारी माता एक लोक कथा 

This lesson plan is a part of the Warli Tribe Unit in the following sequence:

  1. Geography and Environment 
  2. A Warli Folk Tale: Kansari Devi 
  3. Sustainable Lifestyle of Warli Community

Proficiency Level: Intermediate Low-Intermediate Mid  

Students: HLL and FLL; Age: High school and post-secondary

Time: 4X60 min.

Essential Questions: What is the role of folktales in shaping the moral values of an individual?

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson students will be able to- 

  • identify and state the main theme of a simple story
  • identify and sequence the beginning, middle and end of a short story 
  • discuss and come up with a moral of the story
  • exchange information about sequence of the story by asking and answering questions
  • create an alternate ending of the story
  • present an audio-visual story that inculcates humanitarian values, using a series of connected sentences 

Language Structures:

  1. Present Habitual tense (verb stem +ता/ ते/ ती and appropriate form of होना)- मानते हैं, जाती हैं, करती हैं, माँगती हैं, देते हैं
  2. कर construction (verb stem +कर)- पहनकर, जाकर, मारकर, होकर 
  3. Conjunctions– लेकिन, बल्कि, फिर भी, और, तब

Vocabulary List:

समुदाय (m) community निराश  disappointed
मानना  to believe बढ़ना  to proceed
परीक्षा (f)  exam आखिर में in the end
देवी (f)  goddess उदार generous
मैला  dirty दयालु kind
बूढ़ी  old woman संस्कृति (f) culture
गरीब  poor भावना (f) feelings
वेश धारण करना  to take form अतिथि देवो भवः guest is God
गंदगी (f)  dirtiness के बावजूद in spite of
मक्खियाँ (f) flies भर पेट  tummy full
माँगना  to beg, to ask असली real
लेकिन  but, however रूप (m) form
बल्कि  but, rather आशीर्वाद देना to bless
पत्थर (m)  stone अनाज (m) grains
मारना to hit कमी  dearth
भाग जाना to run away    

Performance Assessment Task: The International Kolkata Book Fair is a winter fair in Kolkata. It is a unique book fair in the sense of not being a trade fair meant for whole-sale distributors, rather it is a book fair primarily for the general public, including children from local schools. Hindi schools have been invited for children’s storytelling competition – हिन्दी कथावाचन प्रतियोगिता. Your class has decided to present a moral value-building story that you will be writing. 

  • Role: Author and storyteller of young audience stories
  • Audience: Grade school children 
  • Format: Storytelling – Book Creator/Picture book with Captions/ Google slides
  • Topic: Moral value-building Folktale 

Learning Episodes:

1. Warm up activity: ask if students know any folk tales, what was the moral/learning, ask about characters, setting, problem, solution, etc. in the story. Ask if they know any stories where a character disguises, what was the purpose. What was the outcome? 

2. Grammar Mini lesson: Conjunctions in Hindi 

3. Think-Pair-Share activity: Students will closely observe the realia or its picture (image below) and discuss what they see. They will predict the theme and setting using शायद & मुझे लगता है कि. They will closely observe and describe the image of the main character of the story (उम्र, पहनावा, दिखावट) using conjunctions. For example:

    • शायद कहानी में एक लड़की है। 
    • कहानी एक बूढ़ी औरत के बारे में है। 
    • मुझे लगता है जंगल में है और हाइकिंग कर रही है। 
    • मधुमक्खियों  से भाग रही है। 

4. Mini lesson: Students learn the basics of  कर construction and do the two activities on the provided link. Then they create 5 sentences using this construction in the context of their daily life, a recipe, another popular story, or a context of their choice. For example:

    • मैं सुबह उठकर योग करता हूँ। 
    • मैं खाना बनाकर काम पर जाता हूँ। 
    • गीता स्कूल से आकर टीवी देखकर होमवर्क करती है। 
    • हाथ धोकर खाना खाओ। 

5. Pair work: Students will watch a short video clip (6:59-8:28 mins) and discuss with their partner to

    • make a list of the conjunctions and कर constructions they hear in the story
    • map the story on a graphic organizer
    • discuss and come up with a moral for the story 
    • create an alternate ending for the story OR narrate the story as the main character (Kansaarii maataa)

6. Jigsaw activity: Different groups will read different parts of the story (text below) and then come together to sequence it in a logical way by asking questions and answering them by using कर constructions. They will also create 2 questions for the author and/or the main character. 

photo credit: https://tinyurl.com/5dazw4vs

7. Comparison activity: Students compare the story that they have heard in the video with the story that they have read and point out 3 differences and 3 similarities, using conjunctions.

8. Literacy activity: Every student will get a script of the key happenings that take place in the story on several strips of paper. They will read independently and create a sequence of the story. They will take turns reading the story to their partner to check the sequence.

9. Performance task has been outlined above. Adaptable rubric for evaluation is provided with the task. Students will include the following grammar structures in their stories:

    • 6+ conjunctions 
    • 10+ habitual construction 
    • 5+ कर construction
    • 6+ adjectives to describe setting and characters

10. Gallery-walk for peer evaluation of the products- 

      • students listen to/view each product to vote for the best story, best narration style, best visuals, best overall presentation and 
      • give feedback in the form of – ‘what I would do differently’ to each presenter. 
      • give reasons for voting the ‘best’ title in each category. 

Story Text (Quasi-authentic)

कंसरी माता की कहानी  

Photo credit: https://tinyurl.com/4rhem2z9 

कंसरी माता को वारली समुदाय में चावल की देवी मानते हैं। 

एक समय की बात है लोगों की परीक्षा लेने के लिए कंसरी देवी एक गाँव में जाती हैं। वे मैले कपड़े पहनकर एक बूढ़ी गरीब औरत का वेश धारण करती हैं। गंदगी के कारण उनके चारों ओर मक्खियाँ भिनभिना रही थीं। 

इस हालत में वे घर घर जाकर खाने के लिए कुछ माँगती हैं लेकिन कोई भी उन्हें कुछ नहीं देता। बल्कि लोग उनपर पत्थर मारकर कहते हैं, “तुम बहुत गंदी हो, यहाँ से भाग जाओ”। वे निराश होकर वहाँ से आगे बढ़ती हैं और दूसरे घर में जाकर पीने के लिए पानी  माँगती हैं, लेकिन कोई उन्हें पानी भी नहीं देता। फिर भी वे हार नहीं मानतीं। 

आखिर में वे एक ऐसे घर में पहुँचती हैं जहाँ उदार और दयालु लोग रहते थे। वे भारतीय संस्कृति की भावना “अतिथि देवोभवः” को मानते थे। मैली और गंदी होने के बावजूद भी वे लोग उस बुढ़िया को अपने घर के अंदर ले जाते हैं और उसे भर पेट खाना देते हैं। 

photo credit: Sarmaya

तब कंसारी माता अपने असली रूप में आ जाती हैं और उनको आशीर्वाद देती हैं कि चाहे वे काम करें या न करें, उनके घर में कभी भी अनाज की कमी नहीं होगी। 

Sample Story and Rubrics