Individual and Society (in “Death”) व्यक्ति और समाज (अवसान)

For audiofiles, text and essay questions go to Susham Bedi’s Page

DeathCeremonyA. Proficiency Level: Intermediate High (3X75 min.)

B. Objectives: Students will be able to:

  • describe differences and similarities in life styles in India and the U.S. individual vs. society
  • express an opinion about individual vs. society in India and the U.S.
  • argue a position about individual vs. society


  • use relative-correlative sentences
  • use of participles

C. Performance Assessment: Students produce the script and video recording of an ad showing social stereotypes. Students take on a role of a character from the story and participate in a Talk Show “Bolo ji” defending their position about free choice and social pressures.

D. Learning Scenarios:

1. Students brainstorm in think-pair-share configuration about main aspects of individual and social life and teacher writes notes on the board.

2. Gigsaw — Students watch an permanent marker ad (2.04-3.04) and in groups discuss 3 traditional practices restricting the individual’s choice. They switch groups and share their ideas.

3. Students create the script of the ad about traditional and modern attitudes about gender roles and are instructed to use  at least 3 relative-correlative sentences and 4 participles. Students perform the ad.

4. For homework students read अवसान with glossary — in pairs they are assigned excerpts of the text and listen along the author’s voice recording (the assigned files).

5. In class, in groups they are instructed to:fire-Ghats

a) describe the 2 main characters from their part of the story

b) summarize what happens in their excerpts to re-create the real plot of the story

c) change the end of the story. They are instructed to use at least 3 relative-correlative sentences and 4 participles.

5. In groups of 3-5 they record “Bolo ji” — they take on the role of one of the characters including the deceased one, including the talk show host and argue their position.

5. The class watches the shows and on a sheet gives ratings to the show along with one comment-explanation of rating. They use evaluation rubrics.