Traditional Occupations: Tasks

Novice Range:

Interpretive: In pairs, students write captions for selected pictures.

Interpersonal: Students change their partner, combine and come to consensus on the ideas for a simple picture board.

Presentational: Students do a gallery walk.

Intermediate Range:

Interpretive: In groups, students guess what the story is about, based on pictures from an article (each group has different images). Later they read a section from the article and form questions.

Interpersonal: Jigsaw: In new groups they tell each other their guess, ask their questions to plan a new story combining two ideas from the previous group.

Presentational: Students write up and develop a TV report “Save these jobs”.

Intermediate Range:

Interpretive: In groups, students guess what the story is about, based on pictures from an article (each group has different images). Later they read a section from the article and form questions.

Interpersonal: Jigsaw: In new groups they tell each other their guess, ask their questions to plan a new story combining two ideas from the previous group.

Presentational: Students write up and develop a TV report “Save these jobs”.

Advanced Range:

Interpretive: In pairs, students look at the images and guess what the article is about. They read the article, and fill out a table — familiar information, new information, and form questions. For additional ideas they are assigned one of the following videos and continue filling out the table: embroidery, panchagavya, pottery and clay products.

Interpersonal: In pairs, students decide and choose another traditional occupation (based on the videos or another source) and develop a concept map, based on the following guidelines: (a) description of job, (b) environmental impact, (c) benefits for the community and the individuals, (d) relation to progress (e) use of specific syntactic structures (e.g. passive, conditional). They change partners and develop a presentation generally focused on such jobs based on the jobs they chose.

Presentational: In groups of four, students assume roles (environmental activist, traditional occupation worker, economist, journalist, etc.), write up and video-record a TV show focused on the guidelines.

Lesson plan Traditional Occupations