RAFTs on Mindfulness

Proficiency Level: Advanced Range
Age: High School and College
Performance task (RAFT):
Role: Imagine you are running the Campus Global Spiritual Life Center and you are preparing a presentation for :
Audience: A student-organized conference on Peace and Wellness:
Format Product: Make a powerpoint presentation (5+ slides) and record your explanation of each slide. 
Topic: Listen to the three speakers:

(from 5:03 min)

1) Define the common overarching theme of the three interviews and explain how it is explained (provide evidence with what each speaker says)
2) Make a Venn diagram about what speakers talk about (differences and commonalities, specifics and universals, doables-not-doables, etc.)
3) Include details about relations and actions vis-à-vis self, community, nature and universe
4) Share your observations for what you see students and colleagues do successfully and unsuccessfully around you
5) Add 3+ ideas of your own and explain them in detail
Special Language: Use persuasive language for what and how is needed to be practiced for peace and wellness:
a) subjunctive form 
b) passive subjunctive
c) conditional sentences