Subjunctive Constructions

Developed by Rakesh Ranjan

Subjunctive constructions are the most versatile constructions in Hindi in terms of their diverse meanings. For example, these constructions may be used to expressing politeness or asking for suggestions or voicing uncertainly. There are following types of subjunctive constructions:

Simple Subjunctive शायद हम दिल्ली जायें। Verb stem +ऊँ /-ए/  -एँ

When the auxiliary verb होना is in the subjunctive forms:

  • शायद हम दिल्ली जाते हों। Subjunctive Habitual [forms of होना– होऊँ/ हो/ हो]
  • शायद हम दिल्ली जा रहे हों। Subjunctive Progressive  [forms of होना– होऊँ/ हो/ हो]
  • शायद हम दिल्ली गये हों। Subjunctive Perfective  [forms of होना- होऊँ/ हो/ हो]

The different subjunctive constructions are used in different contexts. For example:

  • Asking for suggestions: उत्तर भारत में हम कहाँ- कहाँ जाएँ ? Where all do we go in North India? [Simple Subjunctive]
  • Giving advice: आप आगरा में ताजमहल ज़रूर देखें। Please see Taj Mahal in Agra.[Simple Subjunctive]

 With the adverb शायद , subjunctive constructions  convey uncertainty or doubts: 

  • शायद जयपुर में मौसम अच्छा हो। Maybe the weather is good in Jaipur. [Simple Subjunctive] 
  • शायद आज इधर तूफान आ रहा हो। Maybe the storm coming in this direction today. [Progressive Subjunctive]