Soma Vyas Bio

“Life isn’t just about finding self; it is also about creating yourself.”

A firm believer in the above line, Soma Vyas is a multilingual who was born, raised and lived in different parts of India before moving to USA in 2006. 1997-2001 Soma Vyas received her Bachelor’s degree in English, Economics & History from Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow University and Master’s in English Literature, Lucknow University, India. She has taught Hindi at a college level, privately and in a community school. In 2019 she co-founded Hindi Language Academy, a community based school where Hindi is being taught through World Readiness Standards. She is  NYU STARTALK trainee and is currently pursuing an ACTFL OPI rater certification.

Although academically, she is a post graduate in English literature, her medium of instruction till high school was Hindi. Today she enjoys expressing herself through the Hindi language in the form of creative writing, short stories, poetry, real life story-telling, radio shows, translations, etc. She was a RJ in a South Asian radio station in New Jersey from 2007- 2010 where she used to conduct two live radio shows on Bollywood songs ever Friday.

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