Seasons and Travel: Performance Assessment

(Created during STARTALK@NYU workshop, 2011, by Sushma Kumar, Savita Nayak and Shaheen Parveen and reviewed by Rosanne Zepprieri and Rajni Bhargava)

  • Focus Age Group: 14-18
  • Standards: Communication, Cultures, Comparison
  • Time : 45 minutes 
  • Mode: Interpretive
  • Overview:

You and your friends are on a study abroad in India staying with an host family. Over the school break,  you plan to travel within the country.  Your job is to find out about the weather in places you  will be visiting. In order to gather information, you talk with your host family, you listen to weather reports on TV, and you do some online research about various weather patterns throughout the country.  Weather is a big factor when it comes to travel so you and your friends discuss what to expect when traveling. When you return,  you share your experiences with your host family by showing them a slide- show of the places you visited and the weather you encountered in each location. 

Task Title: Planning a Trip Through India

Description of Task:

You and your friends are planning on travelling in India. Your responsibility is to find out about the weather. You listen to a weather forecast on television and take notes so that you can discuss the information with your friends.

Materials Needed:  Activity Sheet, Pen/pencils, Video sample taken from:   (Watch भाग तीन)

Teacher Note: The students know the basic weather and season vocabulary and it is also assumed that they know about Indian clothing and some geography of India. Warm up and preparation phases precede the listening and all other assessment phases. Provide the web-links on weather for students to search. You might want to also devise guiding questions for the research.

Warm Up:

  • The students read several weather forecasts from newspapers. They circle typical weather expressions and verb form patterns सकना (saknaa), की संभावना (kii sambhavnaa), महसूस करना (mahsuus karnaa).  
  • Students write weather forecast based on today’s weather.
  • Students compare the weather report given on the video ( ) with a report given during the summer season or a report from different regions of India during the winter season.

Preparation Phase: Before students listen to the video, they brainstorm the following in the classroom:

  • The different purposes of listening to the weather news by Indians with those of Americans 
  • Weather related Hindi expressions and phrases they may hear in the video
  • The different weather patterns typical of the USA with those of India based on personal experiences
  • Reasons for liking and disliking seasons in India
  • Comparison of the clothes, products and life style during various seasons in USA and in North, South, East and West India

Comprehension Phase (Main Idea):

1. Watch the video and list at least four the weather expressions you hear.

Vocabulary and Phrases Clues: Explain or give examples in Hindi for the following expressions that appeared on the television screen as they watched the forecast.

  • शून्य से नीचे जाएगा पारा
  • बदल रहा है मौसम का मिजाज़
  • इस बार पड़ेगी भयंकर सर्दी
  • कोहरा छाया रहेगा

Important details: Watch the video and answer the following questions.

  • मुंबई में लोगों को गर्मकपड़े पहनने की ज़रूरत क्यों नहीं पड़ती है ?
  • मुंबई में इस साल अधिक सर्दी पड़ने का क्या कारण है ?
  • उत्तरभारत में इस साल सर्दी में पारा कितना नीचे जा सकता है ?
  • मुंबई और पूरे उत्तरभारत में सर्द हवाएँ किस दिशा से आती हैं ?

Interpretive phase:

  • What differences you see in winter clothing habits of people in India vs. people in America and why do you think they exist.
  • How will this winter differ from typical winters in India?

Interpretive Mode Rubrics for Intermediate MidTravel





Can I identify the main idea?

(Main Idea)

I identify the main ideas of the text.

Can I understand supporting details?


I understand supporting details of the text.

I understand most of the supporting details of the text.

I understand few supporting details.

Can I infer meaning?


I infer the meaning of most cognates and word families.

I derive the meaning of some new words from context.

I infer the author’s intent.

My answers demonstrate cultural awareness.

I infer the meaning of many cognates and word families within the theme studied.

I derive the meaning of some new words from context.

My answers demonstrate some cultural awareness.

I infer the meaning of few cognates and word families.

I do not derive the meaning of new words from context.

My answers do not demonstrate cultural awareness.

Title:       Planning a Trip Through India 

Theme:             Seasons

Level:                Intermediate Mid                                                                   

Focus Age Group:  14-16

National Standard Goals:             Communication             Cultures             Comparison

Comprehension Mode:                  Interpersonal

Time Frame:  45 minutes Class

Description of Task:

You and your friends discuss your travel plans with your host family asking for advice about weather conditions and clothing you might need when visiting different parts of India.

Materials Needed: Map of India to start the conversation.

Interpersonal Rubrics for Intermediate MidTravel                         





How well do I communicate?

(Text Type)

I create with language; use strings of sentences and sometimes use connected discourse of paragraph-length.   

I consistently use a wide range of vocabulary that accomplishes the task and some specialized and precise vocabulary. 

I am very accurate in the present tense but make errors when I use past and future

I create with language (do not rely on memorized chunks); connect simple sentences to create longer sentences; and routinely use strings of sentences.

I use a wide range of vocabulary that accomplishes the task. 

I may make errors but they rarely interfere with communication.

I create with language (do not rely on memorized chunks); use simple sentences and some strings of sentences.

I use a range of vocabulary that accomplishes the task.  However, I occasionally may be unable to find the appropriate vocabulary.

I may make errors and they may sometimes interfere with communication.

How well am I understood?


I am consistently understood by native speakers of Hindi.

I am understood     

without  difficulty by


unaccustomed to

language learners.   

I am understood, with 

occasional difficulty,

by someone

unaccustomed to

language learners.   

But when I am not it

may be because of one

or more of the


  • Long, unnatural pauses that may disengage the listener as I search for vocabulary
  • My pronunciation is influenced by my native language.

How well do I understand?


I understand sentences, questions and paragraph-length information on familiar and some unfamiliar topics.  I understand the main idea and most supporting details. 

I understand sentences and questions on a wide variety of familiar topics that help me understand the main idea and some supporting details.

I generally understand sentences and questions on familiar topics, but may need repetition/rephrasing and/or slowed speech. Sometimes I can understand the main idea and a few supporting details.  Understanding may be uneven as the topics become less familiar to me. 

What kind of vocabulary do I use?

(Text Type, Language Use & Vocabulary)

I create with language; use strings of sentences and sometimes use connected discourse of paragraph-length.   

I consistently use a wide range of vocabulary that accomplishes the task and some specialized and precise vocabulary. 

I am very accurate in the present tense but make errors when I use past and future.

I create with language (do not rely on memorized chunks); connect simple sentences to create longer sentences; and routinely use strings of sentences.

I use a wide range of vocabulary that accomplishes the task. 

I may make errors but they rarely interfere with communication.

I create with language (does not rely on memorized chunks); uses simple sentences and some strings of sentences.

I use a range of vocabulary that accomplishes the task.  However, I occasionally may be unable to find the appropriate vocabulary.

I may make errors and they may sometimes interfere with communication.

How well do I keep the conversation going?

(Communication Strategies)

I start and maintain the conversation by asking and answering questions.  I am able to circumlocute at times.

I keep the conversation going by asking and answering simple questions and clarifying meaning.  At times, I may paraphrase to clarify meaning.

I keep the conversation going by responding to questions, creating some simple questions, and asking for clarification when needed.

How well do I demonstrate cultural understanding?

(Cultural Awareness)

I demonstrate awareness of cultural appropriateness.

I generally demonstrate awareness of cultural appropriateness.

I sometimes demonstrate an awareness of cultural appropriateness.

Title: Planning a Trip Through India

Theme: Seasons

Level: Intermediate Mid                                                                   

Focus Age Group:  14-18

National Standards Goal: Communication, CulturesComparison

Comprehension Mode: Presentational

Time Frame:  45 minutes Class

Description of Task:

Written Presentation: You prepare a digital presentation for your host family describing the places you visited and the weather you encountered at each places. In your presentation also include the following:  

  • Compare winter, spring, summer, and fall seasons of the places you are staying in India with that of your home town in America and tell your host family about it.
  • Compare the types of clothing worn in India with those worn in the United States during different seasons of the year and talk to your host family about those differences.
  • Compare the ways people stay cool in summer and warm in winter in both countries and talk to host family about it. (Life style differences such as use of swimming pool, beach, air-conditioning, sun-screen, cold drinks, heated houses.)

Materials Needed:   Research materials on internet and a Laptop.

Teacher Note: Students prepare the presentation in a group of two assigned randomly by the teacher. Students are encouraged to do research on internet.

Presentational Mode Rubrics for Intermediate Mid Travel




I am easily understood by

someone unaccustomed to

language learners

including native speakers.   

I am understood without

difficulty by someone

unaccustomed to    

language learners.   

I am understood, with 

occasional difficulty, by

someone unaccustomed to

language learners.   

But when I am not it may 

be because of one or more

of the following

  • My spelling is inaccurate, but follows phonetic conventions.
  • Punctuation occasionally does not follow conventions   

I create with language; use strings of sentences and sometimes use connected discourse of paragraph-length.   

I consistently use a wide range of vocabulary that accomplishes the task and some specialized and precise vocabulary. 

I am very accurate in the present tense but make errors when I use past and future

I create with language (do not rely on memorized chunks); connect simple sentences to create longer sentences; and routinely use strings of sentences.

I use a wide range of vocabulary that accomplishes the task. 

I may make errors but they rarely interfere with communication.

I create with language (does not rely on memorized chunks); uses simple sentences and some strings of sentences.

I use a range of vocabulary that accomplishes the task.  However, I occasionally may be unable to find the appropriate vocabulary.

I may make errors and they may sometimes interfere with communication.

I organize my presentation in a logical manner.  I have an opening and closing.

There is a logical progression of ideas that are well organized and connected.

I organize my presentation in a logical manner.  I have an opening and closing.

Organization is evident and the ideas are connected.

I organize my presentation in a logical manner.  I generally have an opening and closing.

Organization is evident and the ideas generally connected.