Rural Women Empowerment: Sakhi Milk Production Co. Ltd.

Unit Plan developed by Patrica Sabarwal (YHS Fulbright-Hays 2022)

May be followed by lesson 2 on Sakhi ग्रामीण महिला सशक्तिकरण:  सखी मिल्क प्रोडक्शन कम्पनी लिमिटेड 

Proficiency Level: Intermediate Mid/High

Students: Mixed abilities, High School and College 

Time: 5X60 min.  

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson students will be able to: 

  • Explain in detail what does the Sakhi Milk Producer Company do and how it empowers women
  • Analyze the methods of collection, quality control, transportation and distribution of milk by the Sakhi Milk company
  • Describe the process of becoming a member of the  Sakhi Milk Producer Company 
  • Prepare a detailed presentation about the Sakhi Milk Producer Company Ltd. or any other rural women cooperative of their choice describing various aspects of the company.

Vocabulary the students should know by the end of the unit: 

ग्रामीण (adj.)- rural  अनुबन्धित सहायक (m)- contracted assistant 
सशक्तिकरण (m)- empowerment निष्पादन करना- to execute 
गठन (m)- make, build, frame उत्पादन (m)- production  
एकता (f)- unity, oneness प्रोत्साहित करना- to encourage, to motivate 
संयुक्त प्रयास (m)- collective efforts आत्मनिर्भर- self-sufficient, self-reliant
विकास (m)- growth, development विवरण (m)- description, narration, report  
संकलन (m)- collection, compilation उपलब्ध- available 
आपूर्ति (f)- supply प्रशिक्षण (m)- training  
निष्ठावान- loyal, devoted आर्थिक – economical
हिस्सा राशि (f)- share amount सशक्त- empowered
योगदान करना- to contribute  व्यवसाय (m)- profession, occupation

Language Structures: The students will be able to use:

  • Review verb stem + कर/ के construction– पहुँचाकर, लेकर, वजन करके 
  • Perfective tense– आया, आये, आयी 
  • Subjunctive mood – आओ हम सब ख़रीदें, घर घर दूध पहुँचाएँ , कदम उठायें, ग्रामीण महिलाओं को सशक्त बनायें
  • Passive voice–  प्रोत्साहित किया गया, दिया जाता है, जमा करवा दिया जाता है 
  • Compulsion and obligation– करना चाहिए, करना होता है, होनी चाहिए 

Performance Assessment Task: You are a student in Business School. Your final assignment entails  studying and preparing a report on a Non-government / Private Company (limited by shares) in India which has empowered women. Write a detailed account of your findings and prepare a presentation to present to your class. The presentation should touch on various aspects of the Sakhi Diary such as what does it mean to be a cooperative, describing the importance of its logo, the process of becoming a member, member benefits including what empowers the women, what are the members expected to do. In addition to this, students will focus on the services provided by the company to increase productivity, quality control, temperature control, collection and distribution of the milk, and hygienic practices for the collection of the milk. 

  • Role: Business school student 
  • Audience: Your fellow classmates 
  • Format: Powerpoint Presentation 
  • Topic: Women Empowerment: Sakhi Milk Production Company Limited 

Lesson 1.

Learning Episodes: 

1. Warm up activity:  The instructor shows some pictures of women in order to prepare students for the topic of the day महिला सशक्तिकरण.

Source: Pride of India                                         

Source: Chatelaine

Source: Economist    

Source: Idronline

Source: Indian cooperative

2. Students are then asked to brainstorm in a think-pair-share format the different ways in which women come together and exercise agency. 

3. Teacher writes the answers on the board and adds if anything else is missing. 

4. Students create a word bank of possible words that can be used for the topic. 

Lesson 1: Sakhi Song 

1. The instructor provides the vocabulary list of the new words from the song, puts the students in groups and asks them to come up with 3-4 categories in which they will place the vocabulary words that they came up with and the list of vocabulary words that they were provided. 

  • Students read the transcript of the song that they are about to watch to  underline the new words. 
  • Grammar lesson on perfective tense.
  • Students read the transcript of the song the second time to identify and underline the perfective tense (छायीं, आया, आई). 
  • Grammar lesson on subjunctive mood
  • Students read the transcript of the song the third time to identify and underline the subjunctives (खरीदें, आए, पहुँचायें, उठायें, बनायें.

2. The instructor provides the strips of phrases from the song that the students have been preparing to watch. Students watch the video of the song on Sakhi Dairy and put the phrases in order. 

3. For homework, students create word clouds of the new words and use the new words, perfective tense and subjunctive mood to make at least 12 sentences; 6 with perfective tense and 6 with subjunctive mood. They also review  कर/ के construction.  

Lesson 2: Clean milk collection practices and interview with a local worker   

1. Grammar lesson on compulsion and obligation, X को + infinitive + चाहिए 

2. Students watch the clean milk collection practices adopted by Sakhi Dairy (see the pictures below). Students write all the subjunctives that they hear in the video and discuss the following questions with their partners.

  • स्वच्छ दूध उत्पादन के लिए क्या-क्या साफ़-सुथरा होना चाहिए? 
  • दोहने से पहले कौनसी तीन  क्रियाएँ  आवश्यक हैं? 
  • दोहने के बाद कौनसी क्रियाएँ आवश्यक हैं? 
  • दूध को जल्द से जल्द संकलन केंद्र पहुँचाना क्यों ज़रूरी  है? 

3. Grammar lesson on passive voice.

4. Students watch the recording (see below) of the interview (transcript and glossary of the interview) of a local worker at the Sakhi milk production center in Alwar, Rajasthan. They are tasked to:

5. Students answer the following questions after watching the interview. 

१. सखी डेयरी में दूध की जाँच कैसे होती है? सभी चरणों को क्रम से लिखिए। 

२. दूध गोपालपुरा की सखी डेयरी से दिल्ली कैसे पहुँचता है? 

३. दूध का दाम कैसे तय करते हैं? 

४. दूध बेचकर जो पैसा मिलता है वह किसके खाते में जाता है?

५. क्या इसमें आपको महिला सशक्तिकरण का उदाहरण मिलता है? कैसे?  

For homework, students watch a video (9:03-9:41 minutes) and transcribe the details that they hear about collection and distribution of the milk. Students are asked to identify the passive construction. They come ready to talk about the collection and distribution of the milk in the next class.

Lesson 3: Sakhi Milk Production Company  

1. Students pair up and discuss the steps of collecting and distributing the milk and share what they understood with the class.

2. Jigsaw Activity: Students are divided into four groups A,B,C, & D of 4 students and asked to number themselves (1-4). Each group is given the vocabulary list for their section. Each group watches a part of the video- Sakhi Milk Production Company (Group A: 0:00-2:50, Group B: 2:51-3:55, Group C: 3:56-5:41, Group D: 5:42-7:03), take notes on what they see, discuss what they hear, note down the passive constructions and make sure everyone in the group understands what is being said . Learners then move into a jigsaw group with a shared number and share with the jigsaw group the section of the video that they originally watched. Then the students watch the whole video together.  With their jigsaw group, students fill out the following information:

१. सखी डेयरी का गठन कब किया गया?   
२. सखी मिल्क प्रोडक्शन कम्पनी लिमिटेड का पहचान चिह्न क्या है और यह चिह्न क्या दर्शाता है?   
३. यह डेरी कहाँ-कहाँ से दूध संकलन करती है?   
४. महिलाओं को  सखी डेयरी की सदस्य होने से क्या फायदे हुए हैं?   
५. ग्रामीण संपर्क समूह की ज़िम्मेदारी क्या होती है?   
६. ग्रामीण महिलाओं का कंपनी की नींव को मजबूत बनाए रखने में क्या योगदान है?   
७. अंबन्धित सहायक क्या भूमिका निभाते हैं?   
८. दूध उत्पादन वर्धक सेवायें कौनसी हैं?   
९. कंपनी सदस्यों को दूध संकलन का विवरण कैसे देती है?   
१०. दूध का क्वालिटी कंट्रोल कैसे किया जाता है?   

Lesson 4. The Process of becoming a member of the Sakhi Dairy

1. Grammar lesson on compulsion and obligation construction. infinitive + होना and infinitive + पड़ना   

2. Two students get one flashcard which explains the process of becoming a member of Sakhi. (See below)

3. Students identify compulsion and obligation constructions, passive construction,  find the meanings of the words that they do not understand in the flashcard and go over the meaning of the whole sentence with the instructor. 

4. One student from each group goes on a gallery walk and the other one stays at their  station to explain the process to the students that visit their station. Students in the group switch roles.  


Lesson  5.  Components, functions, processes & impact of Sakhi Dairy

1. After doing all the activities, students fill out the mind map about the Sakhi company: components, functions, processes, impact, etc. (See below)

2. Students make a detailed PPT presentation on Sakhi Milk Producing Company or any other rural women cooperative of their choice to share with the class. It should include the following slides:

१.  सरकारी कम्पनी है या सहकारी कम्पनी है? 

२. इसका पहचान चिह्न क्या है? उसका क्या महत्त्व है? 

३. इस कंपनी का सदस्य बनने की क्या प्रक्रिया है?

४. सदस्यों की गतिविधियाँ क्या हैं?

५. उत्पादकता बढ़ाने के लिए कंपनी द्वारा प्रदत्त सेवाएँ क्या हैं? 

६. स्वच्छ दूध संग्रह प्रथाएँ  क्या-क्या हैं? 

७. क्वालिटी कंट्रोल कैसे होता है? 

८. दूध का संग्रह और वितरण कैसे होता है? 

९. दूध सेंटर से दिल्ली कैसे पहुँचता है और उसका ताप नियंत्रित होता है या नहीं? 

१०. दूध बेचकर जो पैसा मिलता है वह कहाँ जाता है?

११. महिलाओं को सशक्त बनाने में कंपनी का क्या योगदान है? 

१२. आपके मुताबिक, सहकारिता ग्रामीण महिलाओं के लिए आवश्यक है या नहीं? क्यों या क्यों नहीं? 

3. Students should include the following grammar points in their presentation: 

  • 8+ passive voice constructions 
  • 6+ subjunctive constructions
  • 6+ compulsion and obligation constructions – infinitive + चाहिए 
  • 3+ compulsion and obligation constructions – infinitive + होना
  • 3+ compulsion and obligation constructions- infinitive + पड़ना