Performance Task: My house, Location and Family

Proficiency Level: Novice High

Project: My house, location and family. You will work in pairs and distribute equally the responsibilities of developing the project and the audio-recording.

Task: Imagine your family agreed to host an exchange student in your home in an area of your choice. You need to send a video of approximately 3-4 minutes. to that student showing and describing the house and the yard in detail using adjectives, what is in the rooms and where (using postpositions), what you and your family usually do there, mention the members of the family, etc. 

Resources: ( powerpoint has all the vocabulary and grammar we covered)

Consider the following components:

  • 3+ geographical features of the surrounding area (ex.,4 directions, mountain, river, forest, beach, sea, desert, etc.) (in 3+ sentences)
  • 3+ objects in your room (in 3+ sentences)
  • 3+ objects in your sibling’s room  (in 3+ sentences)
  • 3+ objects in the guest room (in 3+ sentences)
  • 3 other rooms or 2 rooms + the yard (in 3+ sentences)
  • 5+ activities you and/or your family do in the house, in a specific room or in the yard (in 5+ sentences)
  • list 5+ members of the family who live there 

Assessment Rubrics:

3 — Exceeds Expectations: provided detailed room, furniture, activities and location information including a variety of nouns, adjectives, postpositions and verbs, and included all elements of the assigned activity.

2 — Meets Expectations: included some room, furniture, activities and location information including some nouns, adjectives, postpositions and verbs 

1 — Approaches Expectation: included some room, furniture, activities and location information including a limited number of nouns, adjectives, postpositions and lacks many elements of assigned activity 

0 — Does Not Meet Expectations:  included insufficient room, furniture, activities and location information with none or almost no nouns, adjectives, postpositions and verbs.