Perfect Roommate परफेक्ट “रूममेट”

A. Proficiency Level: Intermediate Low/Mid (3X75 min.) college_life3

B. Objectives: Students will be able to:

  • describe the conditions and rules of apartment sharing
  • ask and answer questions about routines and preferences
  • express politely agreement and disagreement with others’ statements
  • describe the perfect roommate

Language Targets:

  • use obligatory constructions (review with focus on agreement between object and transitive infinitive)
  • use subjunctive independently and in complex sentences, including conditional sentences

C. Performance Assessment:

  • Students participate in Skype interviews between an apartment tenant and a potential roommate and explain in an email to their friend whom they liked and why.
  • Students conduct interviews for the campus newsletter about what the most sought after features of a roommate are.
  • Students write a blog (HLLs) and record a video bulletin (FLLs) for their  campus website about what the perfect roommate is considered on campus.

D. Learning Scenarios:

Step 1.  In pairs, students brainstorm and fill out a table of good and bad habits in the context of apartment sharing.

Step 2. Teacher reviews obligatory constructions. 

Step. 3. In groups students read a few excepts from रूममेट and take notes on useful expressions as well as potential issues. Each pair is assigned to write up a) a note “Looking for a roommate” for the college bulletin board including rate, room description, basic expectations and requirements (either in the role of a student who is looking to find a room, or who is offering a room, (b) negotiate and come to a consensus about the main topics to be covered during the interview. 

Homework: Students record a video presentation as a student looking for or offering a room.

Step 4. Students share their videos. They extend with what their wish is about their future room mate. Teacher introduces subjunctives.

Step 5.  Students conduct an interview (on Skype) to find a room mate. Students who have a room sit in one row and the other row has the applicants. Each student does 2-3 interviews. They ask each other about room, amenities, likes and dislikes, hobbies, studies, routines, food, etc. They take notes.

Step 6.  Students sit back in their groups of four. Students report – which candidate they liked and whether they found a roommate. The other student reports if they liked the offer/conditions or not.

Homework: Each students are assigned to read one paragraph from परफेक्ट “रूममेट”  (for female students) or अग्रीमेंट विद रूममेट (for male students).

Step 7. They share with each other what they read and add two-three more characteristics of a perfect roommate.

Step 8. They interview 2-3 classmates from other groups about what their thoughts are about the perfect roommate and take notes.

Step 9. In groups students work on creating a post (HLLs) and a video bulletin (FLLs).