During class students write on Google Docs and Google Slides. Submissions are in audio or on google docs sent via email or uploaded to NYUClasses as directed. VoiceThread, Miro or other applications are used as instructed.
Unit 1. Children’s Rights and Child Labor
Project 1. Week 1: Instructions
- Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qW7xWMCnSLA&feature=youtu.be
- Focus is on obligatory construction. In writing on the Forum: In the role of the author of the film summarize in 10 sentences what this film is about and why your created it. Use at least five sentences with obligatory constructions.
- Watch again Ambu short film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXb-yEXw_9A
- In audiofile upload as attachment to the Forum: In the role of a film festival organizer explain why you recommend these two films and highlight at least 5 common elements you find in both films.
Project 2. Weeks 2-3. Instructions:
- Brainstorm and create a concept map of (a) what child care means and (b) the reasons for child labor. You can draw by hand or use a chart (like the Freyer model) – https://www.education.com/worksheet/article/frayer-model/) save it as a pdf and upload it on the forum. Write 10 sentences expressing your ideas (use at least 5 new vocabulary words).
- View https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qW7xWMCnSLA&feature=youtu.be
- Review oblique infinitive + लगना. Upload an audiofile: In the role of an NGO worker speaking to parents in a small town explain your ideas about the definition of child labor and the reasons for it. (a) Include examples from Ambu’s life and the last video; (b) Propose ways to send/keep the children in school, and (c) use at least 5 sentences with oblique infinitive + लगना
- In writing as a reply: Choose two points you like from the other group and explain why.
Useful grammar sources:
- https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/compulsion-and-obligation/
- https://hindilanguage.info/hindi-grammar/verbs/compulsion-idioms/
- https://hindilanguage.info/hindi-grammar/verbs/idiomatic-verbs/lagna/
Useful vocabulary:
- गरीबी f. – poverty
- परिवर्तन m. – change
- विकास m. – development
- मुख्य कारण m. – main reason
- बढ़ती जनसंख्या/आबादी f. – growing population
- निरक्षरता – lack of education
- सुविधाएं f. – facilities
- के अलावा – besides
- आय f. – income
- नौकरियों की संख्या – number of jobs
- जाति व्यवस्था f. – caste system
- अकुशल कारीगर m. – workers with no qualifications
- खाद्य उत्पादन m. – food production
- निरक्षरता f. – illiteracy
- अर्थव्यवस्था f. – economic system
Unit 2. Toilet Ek Premkathaa https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/film-project-toilet-ek-prem-katha/
Project 1. Week 4. Instructions:
1. Review Perfect Tense and Ergativity (मैं वहाँ गयी, मैं ने पूरा शहर देखा). View movie trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ym4EJQ7XORk&feature=emb_err_watch_on_yt
and answer the following questions:
१। यह मूवी किसके बारे में है?
- लड़के की शादी के बारे में
- गाँव में शौच के बारे में
- लड़की के अधिकार के बारे में
- पंडित जी के बारे में
२। यह कहानी रूमानी, सामाजिक, आर्थिक या राजनीतिक मुद्दे पर है? क्यों ऐसा लगता है?
३। इस मूवी की कहानी क्या हो सकती है? पाँच वाक्यों में कहानी के बारे में लिखिये।
४। इस कहानी के मुख्य पात्र कौन कौन लगते हैं?
५। क्या यह मूवी अच्छी होगी या नहीं और अगर हाँ या नहीं तो क्यों?
2. View the following three segments (of about 8 minutes) of the movie “Toilet Ek Prem Katha” and note details of each scene. The timeline of these segments corresponds to Netflix.
Clip No. | Start Time (hh:mm:sec) | End Time (hh:mm:sec) | Details of the scene |
1 | 00:19:33 | 00:21:23 | Keshav follows Jaya. |
2 | 00:43:29 | 00:44:20 | Keshav and Jaya get married. |
3 | 00:47:35 | 00:52:59 | The women from the village come to call Jaya for loTaa party (going for the toilet in the open field). |
3. Tell the story of these segments from a character’s point of view OF YOUR CHOICE as if it happened to them or they witnessed it (at least 20 sentences using 10 or more words from the vocab. sheet — see link below).
Rubrics for evaluation: https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/presentational-mode-rubrics/
Useful vocabulary: https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/toilet-vocabulary/
Useful Grammar: https://www.webearningpoints.com/2018/07/past-perfect-tense-hindi.html
Project 2. Week 5. Instructions:
- Brainstorm on advantages and disadvantages using a toilet (create a table)from a villager’s perspective.
- Create categories for https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/toilet-vocabulary/
- Read the following excerpt: https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/toilets/ and play kahoot https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/kahoot-questions/
- In the role of a journalist write a newspaper report around the story of the film and the entire issue of toilets in India as a journalist. (in at least 20-25 sentences, use and highlight at least 10 new phrases/words)
- Use what you wrote to design a brochure/pamphlet educating the rural communities about the reasons to use toilets. (in at least 20-25 sentences, use and highlight new expressions)
- Read film review:
- As a film critic write your own review in three main sections:
- कहानी (story):
- क्यों देखें (why watch it) :
- क्यों न देखें (why not watch it):
Note: You receive extra bonus points for using as many vocab items as possible from the lesson and use at least twice each of the grammar units reviewed.
Evaluation Rubrics: https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/presentational-mode-rubrics/
Useful grammar sources:
- https://hindilanguage.info/hindi-grammar/verbs/ergativity/
- https://www.learning-hindi.com/post/6664614114/lesson-118-the-past-perfect-tense
Unit 3. The Festival of Holi https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/holi/
Project 1. Week 6. Instructions:
1. Brainstorm on what you know about the festival of Holi and what people do on Holi, create a word-bank with everything you know and can say within 5-7 min.
2. Focus is on Compound verbs. Work on point 3 in https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/holi/.
- watch a video on how Holi is celebrated in different parts of India
- view and listen to a song on Holi from the movie Sholay
- use the google doc during class today to refresh our skills using kar-construction and compound verbs
3. Watch the BBC slideshow on Holi ( https://www.bbc.com/hindi/media-4324) and add to your word bank at least 5 new expressions/words which you will add to your bank in a different color.
4. Use a concept map to organize what you know and can say about Holi. With your partner discuss the concept map and add any additional information which you did not have before (write/type additions with a different color). You will record as a pair an audiofile: In the role of a reporter explaining your concept map in about 20 sentences (evaluation rubrics https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/presentational-mode-rubrics/)
6. Upload in the designated Forum the following products:
a) your word bank (individual work)
b) your concept map (pair work)
c) your audiofile (pair work)
Project 2. Week 7. Instructions:
- Check the word bank at https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/word-bank-holi/and copy and paste in a google doc the words you did not know to use later.
- View https://www.bbc.com/hindi/media-43246995
- Focus on कर-construction and on oblique infinitive + postposition. In the role of a script writer, create the script for the video and use:
- 25 sentences or more
- all the words in our wordbank (highlight them in your text)
- at least 3 Verb stem + कर (e.g. kखाकर, डालकर) + 3 oblique infinitives + postpositions (करने से पहले, ख़त्म होने के बावजूद)
- Focus is on Passive Voice. Add at least 3 passive verbs to your script.
Evaluation rubrics: https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/rubrics-for-evaluation/
Useful grammar sources:
- https://www.learning-hindi.com/post/41704857189/lesson-133-%E0%A4%95%E0%A4%B0-kar-after
- https://hindilanguage.info/hindi-grammar/verbals/infinitives/
- https://hindilanguage.info/hindi-grammar/verbs/voice/passive-voice/
Unit 4. Geography
Week 8. Instructions:
- Review the states and major cities on the map of India (https://www.mapsofworld.com/india/map-in-hindi.html)
- Work on point 4 https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/holi/. You will:
- recap and refresh your memory on kar construction and compounds.
- scan individually assigned excerpts for grammar forms in focus and copy them on the google doc
- read for gist on what people eat and do on Holi in different states
- compare and contrast between 2-3 states (first orally and then with key words)
- In the role of a journalist who is assigned a task by an editor of an online interactive magazine for young readers, prepare a slide show with voice over on how Holi is celebrated in India. Use blank mapof India and use at least twice the four new structures.
Evaluation rubrics: https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/presentational-mode-rubrics/
Useful grammar sources: https://hindilanguage.info/hindi-grammar/verbs/compound-verbs/
Unit 5. Healthy Eating: https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/healthy-eating/
Project 1. Week 9. Instructions:
- Listen to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyI2maQ32Ms and continue filling out the blank map by writing the state, city, dish and the price (when mentioned)
- Read https://www.ajabgjab.com/2017/03/famous-food-street-of-india.html and complete the map.
- Brainstorm about healthy foods and eating habits and design an infographic.
- Examine the infographic (https://cdn1.sph.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2017/03/Hindi_HEP_April2017.jpg), identify what is missing in yours and make changes.
Project 2. Week 10-11. Instructions:
- Focus is on subjunctive. Read and Highlight all the subjunctives https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/healthy-eating-plate/translations/hindi/
- Highlight the information you did not include in your infographic. Choose at least 10 phrases you consider useful for the topic and submit them in a google doc.
- Focus is on infinitives in a subject function सक्रिय रहना आवश्यक है and with postposition with adverbial function … होने से and participles – present active भागती हुइ आक्रिति, and perfect passive उबले हुए अंडे, बनाई गई रोटी – provides a few examples from recipes (2 या 3 बारीक कटी हुयीहरी मिर्च, भुना जीरा, साबुत गरम मसाले- 7 काली मिर्च और 2 लौंग — दरदरे कटे हुए, etc.) Note: to further illustrate the use of the present participle play भीगती आँखों से (डूबती रातों में, टूटती साँसों को)
- हमाराखाना स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छा है: Imagine you are a dietician and are hired by the businesses in one गली to help with their marketing. Based on their ideas for healthy foods, choose one गली and make changes with a healthy twist to attract more customers: Make at least 15 suggestions and explain the reason for each. Non-negotiables: use at least 15 subjunctives, 10 phrases you highlighted, at least 5 infinitives and 5 participles).
- When done, more advanced students read क्यों ना जान बचाने वाला खाना सस्ता होand discuss at least 5 suggestions for India.
Unit 6: Life in Quarantine https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/life-in-quarantine/
Week 12. Instructions:
- Work on survey: Ask and answer questions about life in quarantine.
- Access voicethread.com activity where you record reading the sentences and explaning each picture. Also, try to relate it to your personal experience of life in quarantine. Try to come up with the best explanation of the picture and the text by trying to use the new language structures. You will have bonus points for using language new structure and vocabulary from the lesson.
Technical note: Please make sure that your web browser supports voicethread.com. Also, you need to give individual permissions to the website to access your computer’s microphone and webcams to be able to comment using voice or video options. The recommended browser is google chrome.
- Work in pairs on Forums: In the role of campus newsletter reporters, write at least 25 sentences explaining life in quarantine with its advantages and disadvantages. Please use at least 6 new grammar structures (twice each) and at least 8 new vocabulary items. Please upload this on the assigned Forum.
Grammar notes:
- बनाया करते हैं – connoting frequency (बार-बार, अक्सर, हर दिन/महीने/हफ़्ते)
- बढ़ते जा रहे हैं – connoting progression with in- or decreased intensity (लगातार, धीरे-धीरे)
- सोते रहे – connoting continuousness (दिन/महीने/हफ़्ते भर)
Unit 7. Lockdown Effects. https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/lockdown-effects/
Week 13-14. Instructions:
Individually, view YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ul2tG9sDKkY) and prepare a mind map of the ideas shared in the video related to the effects of and solutions for the Covid-19lockdown along with an audio file explaining it (ppt slide or another format)
Evaluation Rubrics: https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/presentational-mode-rubrics/
Final Project. Instructions:
Choose 1 or 2:
1. Imagine you are tasked by a wellbeing NGO to develop a product and guidelines for healthy living to convince educational institution administrators/leaders to include in their curricula. Based on our reading, class discussion, and writing exercises, you are required to write at least 25 sentences in paragraphs.
Sample mind map: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mqNV9hV2sDzGjdx83OSrgJuTv6PzwrCGWW7Oq5QMWp4/edit#slide=id.p
You can watch the video from 5:46- 7:10 minutes for more information https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OqAJKsmueU&feature=youtu.be
Please use the following google doc link for reading passages: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YqZbdcavePRAJHYShYlQKfzYWgSNm4Nn4L4OHzO-XG0/edit
2. You are tasked by an NGO to develop an nfomercial for a campaign related to healthy-living or any topic of your choice, including script and audio file (e.g. use ppt slides) and incorporate parts from the video or the whole video. Consider including:
- description of issue (roots, spread, impact)
- reason you are working on it and challenges
- solution ideas
- examples
Note: For example, the breakdown of Ayurveda course informercial might look like this:
- Consuming ready-made processed foods is destroying your health
- The solution is to eat more local naturally-grown unprocessed foods
- The challenge is you don’t have time or have no background in Ayurvedic tradition
- Our awesome training program is what you need!
Evaluation Rubrics: https://wp.nyu.edu/virtualhindi/rubrics-for-evaluation/
Grammar: use twice each new structure we covered and at least 20 new phrases and words