My New Life (online)

To be preceded by Yoga 4 and to be followed by Yoga 5.

Proficiency: Aural skills – Advanced Low, Literacy skills – Intermediate MidYoga pose image | Free SVG

Time: 2X75 min.

Technical Tools: 

  • Zoom

Objectives: Students will be able to:

  • express what and why they will change in or add to their life
  • argue for and against a traditional yoga-based life

Language Targets: review of aspects – करता रहूँगा, सिकुड़ता जाएगा, मिला करूँगी 

Learning Scenarios:

Step 1. Brainstorming: Students individually note down 5 things they would adapt from Yoga style of life. They use their notes and vocab sheets from previous classes (Lockdown Effects and Yoga 4).

Step 2. In pairs, in breakout rooms, students compare and contrast their ideas on a Venn Diagram and report what is common and what is different to assess the most popular principles/elements they want to adopt.

Step 3. In two groups, students are assigned a position to argue for or against a traditional Yoga-based vs. western fast-paced style of life.

Step 4. In the same groups, students list from their assigned position what their new life will be on board – they use the target language forms.

Homework: Students read in detail the assigned colored section and skim through the rest. They note and make sure that they can explain at least 5 details from their assigned excerpt. They also submit a read-aloud audio file.

Sample student work:

Team A