Jigsaw Video Assignment

Developed by Travis Girdharie and Fiona Rileigh (YHS Fulbright-Hays 2022)

Environmentalist Prof. Ajay Ravat

Video-Based Discussion about Environmental Issues in Nainital 

Introduce the class to a video of a Native speaker speaking at their natural pace for the class to dissect. The video should pertain to the Unit and be difficult for any intermediate level to understand. Ideally, the entire video should be about 2 minutes long, depending on the size of the class. Break the students into 4 even groups, each group will be assigned 30 seconds to translate. (If the class is larger, make 5-6 groups and lengthen the overall video length so that it is still ~30 seconds per group). 

If the video has a lot of difficult vocabulary, you might provide a word bank to students at the beginning to go over and put words in categories of their own to familiarize them with specifics. 

  1. Allow one play through of the whole video for the entire class, with the instruction that they are only allowed to listen, not to take notes. Let students check on the glossary list what they heard.
  2. If desired, allow a second play through for the class to take notes on the entire video. 
  3. Students break into groups in separate areas of the class, each with a different 30 seconds assigned (post video on platform or send to students for their own access).
  4. Give students 10-15 minutes to summarize main points, circling between the groups for guidance and questions. 
  5. After the individual group work, groups 1-4 will go in order explaining their portion of the video to the class.. 
  6. After every group has presented, play through the entire video one last time to allow overall conceptualization of the video’s meaning. You may stop the video at places where students struggled in the previous stage to check for comprehension. 



Evaluation rubric:

4 – Advanced Proficiency 3 – Proficiency 2 – Approaching Proficiency 1 – Below Proficiency
Accurately summarizes the video  in Hindi Summarizes the video predominantly in English Inaccurately summarizes the clip Repeats patches from transcript of the video