Intermediate Curriculum: Communities and Nature

Hindi Curriculum (YHS Fulbright-Hays 2022)

Age of Learners: 6-12 (heritage and foreign language learners)   

Proficiency Level: Intermediate Range   Duration: 60+ hours  

STAGE 1: What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of the program? Overview and Theme

A group of friends signed up for a tour to India organized by the International Rotary Club. They will visit four main areas — in Nainital, Dehradun, Dahanu and Jaipur. This excursion goes beyond the typical sightseeing trip. The students will visit (a) areas with rich biodiversity, (b) communities who have close relation to nature and either have been affected by it or are known for their nature-conscious customs and environmentally healthy lifestyles, and (c) grassroot activism that takes place with the objective of reducing pollution, supporting community self-sufficiency and sustainability, promoting traditional ecological culture or providing basic services and solutions to challenges in rural or urban communities. 

The students will interact with the members of the local communities and organizations. The International Rotary Club in the country where the Hindi language is spoken wants them to give a lunchtime speech about their experiences in each of the four places. The students plan to bring artifacts, recordings and photos to supplement a presentation of their observations and findings. This presentation will be part of the final assessment task.

Learning Targets

LINGUAFOLIO® GLOBAL STATEMENTS PROGRAM CAN-DO STATEMENTS                                                                        OR LINGUAFOLIO® CAN-DO STATEMENTS
Interpersonal Speaking
Intermediate Low: I can handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering a variety of questions.

Intermediate Mid: I can exchange information in conversations on familiar topics and some researched topics, creating sentences and series of sentences and asking a variety of follow-up questions. 

Intermediate High: I can exchange information in conversations and some discussions on a variety of familiar and some concrete topics that I have researched, using connected sentences that may combine to form paragraphs and asking a variety of questions, often across various time frames

I can ask and answer questions by friends and family about my expectations / reasons for signing up for this travel. 
I can exchange information about local geographical features and unique nature with my travel companions and community members.
I can talk about and compare communities’ practices and daily routines in the city and the village in relation to the environment. 
I can talk about a few customs and traditions that I learned when interacting with community and organization members.
I can talk about the natural environment and the challenges or disasters which have occurred or are expected and things to do to protect the environment and the communities.
I can talk about things to do to protect the environment and the communities
Presentational Speaking
Intermediate Low: I can make presentations on a wide variety of familiar topics: using connected sentences.

Intermediate Mid: I can state my viewpoint about familiar topics and give some reasons to support it, using sentences and series of connected sentences. 

Intermediate High: I can state my viewpoint on familiar or researched topics and provide reasons to support it, using a few short paragraphs, often across various time frames.

I can describe the places I visit and my reasons for traveling and learning.
I can describe the environment where communities live, nature, weather and changing climate and environment. 
I can report about or make suggestions for solutions of climate and nature changes (potential or real).
I can give a presentation about a place and a community I visited and about an interesting story I heard during my stay.
Presentational Writing
Intermediate Low: I can write on a wide variety of familiar topics using connected sentences.

Intermediate Mid: I can write about a variety of familiar topics and some concrete topics I have researched, using sentences and series of connected sentences. 

Intermediate High: I can write detailed reports on a variety of familiar topics and some concrete topics I have researched, using a few short paragraphs, often across various time frames.

On a blog site, I can explain nature–community interactions and nature-based living in the places I visited in India.
I can describe in my travel log customs and traditions I have learned about and observed in specific locations.
I can write out a draft of a presentation that I plan to present orally including notes for the speech I will make to the International Rotary Club members in Hindi.
Interpretive Listening
Intermediate Low: I can understand the main idea in short, simple messages and presentations on familiar topics. I can understand the main idea of simple conversations that I overhear. 

Intermediate Mid: I can identify the main idea and key information in short straightforward conversations. 

Intermediate High: I can usually understand the main idea and fl ow of events expressed in various time frames in conversations and discussions.

I can understand questions and simple information about places, people and practices offered by local members of the communities or activists.
I can understand descriptions of the places, people, practices and environmental challenges when viewing a video or listening to a podcast.
I can understand directions, suggestions or warnings during or about weather extremes or natural disasters.
Interpretive Reading

Intermediate Low: I can understand the main idea of short and simple texts when the topics are familiar. 

Intermediate Mid: I can understand the main idea and key information in short straightforward informational texts. 

Intermediate High: I can usually follow the main message in various time frames in straightforward, and sometimes descriptive, paragraph-length informational texts.

I can understand and follow signs, warnings and directions about protecting the environment or safety.
I can understand basic information on flyers, brochures and on websites related to communities and places.
I can understand postings in Facebook and blogs on travel, environment and nature topics.

 STAGE 2: How will learners demonstrate what they can do by the end? Summative Performance Assessments

Interpretive Task: After reading brochures or perusing websites that describe experiences in the four areas of the tour, students complete an organizational grid with relevant information such as location, seasons and specific natural resources, experiences, benefits from nature, and impact of nature. They share the information with their friends in order to convince them to join this tour experience.  Interpersonal Task: On a daily basis, students post blog messages about their experiences during the study tour. They respond to posts from community members and activists in an ongoing conversation. In class, they compare and tell each other the stories they heard, decide which the most interesting stories are and why to create a flipbook. They discuss what to include in the final presentation for the International Rotary Club.  Presentational Task: Students make a presentation to the International Rotary Club, India. They highlight the places they visited and what they learned about the environment, the communities, and their customs. 

STAGE 3: What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know?: Learning Experiences

Learners can …  Learners need to use … (language, culture, content) Learners do & demonstrate …
Interpersonal Speaking
I can exchange information about local geographical features and unique nature with my friends and community members. Sample language:

  • Interests: तुम्हें क्या-क्या दिलचस्प लगता है? तुम किस के बारे में सिखना चाहते हो? तुम क्या करना चाहते हो?  वहाँ क्या करना चाहोगे? तुम ने वहाँ जाकर क्या किया और किससे मिला? वहाँ कौनसी घटना हुई जो आपको याद है?
  • Location: वह जगह कहाँ है? वह कहाँ स्थित है? कौनसी दिशा में जाना है? क्या पहाड़ी इलाक़ा है या मैदानी है? दिल्ली से उत्तर में है या दक्षिण में?
  • Preferences: X से प्यार करना / X को पसंद करना; infinitive + पसंद करना; X को प्राथमिकता देना; मज़ेदार, रोचक, दुखद, ख़ुश, etc.   
  • Landscape: पहाड़ m. , पर्वत m., तलहटी f., शिखरफ m., तालाब m. / झील f., नहर f., झरना m., नाला m., नदी f. , etc.


  • लगना constructions: 
  • X को + Noun + लगना : मुझे भूख लगी है 
  • X को + Adjective + लगना: मुझे आम अच्छा लगता है 
  • Oblique infinitive + लगना: काम करने लगी  
  • Perfect Tense: 
  • Verb stem + आ, ई, ए (बना, बनी, बने) 
  • Verb stem + या, ये, यी (बनाया, बनाई, बनाए)     
  • ने + object + transitive verbs in  agreement with  object: हम ने भोजन बनाया, उसने रोटी खाई, उसने समोसे खाए  
On the first days of the tour, students meet and greet one another. They circulate and gather information about their travel destinations and who expects what to learn. As they learn more about their travel preferences, they form similarity groups (students who have 3 or more things in common) and report to the whole group about their findings. 

In small groups students reminisce and list experiences they have had on previous travels. These lists are then used to create “Find Someone Who” activities where students interact to find the person in class who has done a certain thing. In small groups students discuss the activities deciding if they were funny, sad, scary, awkward, etc.

I can talk about and compare the community’s practices and daily routines in the city and the village.  Sample Language:

  • रूटीन – दिनचर्या f: हम उठने के बाद, हनाहटे हैं और कपड़े पहनते हैं; नाश्ता करने के बाद दफ़्तर जाते हैं; लोग मंदिर में जाकर पूजा करते हैं; to travel by bus बस से यात्रा करना, दफ़्तर जाना; to hike – चढ़ना 
  • खेतिबरी: to plow – हल करना, to grow – उगाना, to water – पानी देना, to fertilize – खाद डालना, उपजाऊ बनाना  
  • मौसम: गरमी, सर्दी, लू / वायु / हवा, बरसात/ बारिश होना / बादल फटना, मूसलाधार बारिश होना 
  • १, २ + इत्यादि, १, २, ३ + आदि 
  • Sequence expressions: बाद में/ फिर, पहले, अंत में / आख़िर में, इतने में 


  • Adverbial phrases for time: सुबह सवेरे, दोपहर में, शाम को, रात में 
  • Oblique infinitive + के बाद, के पहले, के बावजूद, के लिए  
  • Oblique infinitive + लायक: देखने लायक 
  • Conjunct verbs: 
  • X का + noun m. + करना – X का इंतज़ाम + करना, इंतज़ार + करना 
  • X की noun f. + करना – X – की सफ़ाई करना, की कोशिश + करना 
  • X को adjective + करना  ठीक + करना, तैयार + करना 
In pairs, students create a Venn diagram to illustrate similarities and differences between city and village daily life. They display their diagrams and talk about an ideal daily life, possibly one that blends elements of both cultures.
I can talk about a few customs and traditional narratives that I learned or observed when interacting with community and organization members. Sample language:

  • सुबह सवेरे पूजा करने से पहले लोग ज़रूर नहाते हैं 
  • X की पूजा f  करना / मंदिर जाना / प्रसाद m चढ़ाना / प्रार्थना f करना 
  • शादी में जाना / तिलक m लगाना / फेरे लगाना 
  • सिंदूर, हल्दी, घी, फूल-माला f   
  • सजावट f लगाना, रंगोली f बनाना


  • Compulsory constructions: X को + infinitive + चाहिए / होना / पड़ना 
  • Perfect Tense: exceptions – no use of ने  + डरना, लाना, भूलना, मिलना, optional use of ne + बोलना, समझना; use of ne + intransitive verbs related to body functions – छींकना, खाँसना, नहाना 
  • Causatives – भेजना- भिजवाना, सजाना-सजवाना, ख़ाना- खिलाना-खिलवाना, पीना-पिलाना-पिलवाना, बनना-बनाना-बनवाना
  • Participles –
  • adjectival use: पत्थर का बना हुआ महल  
  • adverbial use देखते ही ख़ुश हुए, काम करते हुए or काम करते-करते थक जाना, बैठे-बैठे भजन 
Team Word Webbing – Working in small groups, students brainstorm on a mind map of a central concept. They contribute ideas orally and assign one team member to record their ideas on a piece of chart paper. They talk about different stories and or customs, role of different people in various rituals,  traditional clothing and ornaments.  
I can talk about the natural environment and the challenges or disasters which have occurred or are expected and how to protect the environment and the communities. Sample Language: 

  • Directions: turn right/left/front/back – दाएँ, बाएँ, आगे, पीछे + जाना + मुड़ना; go straight – सीधे जाना, continue – आगे चलते जाना; at the corner – कोने में; it is close/far – नज़दीक / पास, दूर; distance between – के बीच का फ़ासला / की दूरी; natural disasters: भूस्खलन m, भूकम्प m, बाढ़ f, सूखा m, तूफ़ान
  • Pre-disaster: warning – चेतावनी, symptom – लक्षण m, to protect – X की सुरक्षा करना  
  • Post-disaster: relief – राहत कारवाई f, X + को सहारा m / मदद f देना but X की मदद / का सहारा करना  


  • Conjunctive: to express a simultaneous or preceding action with reference to the action expressed by the finite verb; form: V stem + कर – खाकर, पढ़कर (Note: the subject of the कर-construction and the finite verb is the same) 
  • Relative-Correlative clauses: जो… वह…, जितना… उतना…, जैसा… वैसा…, जब…तब…, जहाँ… वहाँ…
  • Compound verbs – verb stem + auxiliary verb to express:
  • completion – verb stem + जाना  (हो गया/गयी , बैठ गया/गयी, सो गया/गयी)
  • completion with emphasis on result of the action away from the doer – verb stem + देना (दे दिया, कर दिया) 
  • completion with emphasis on result of the action towards the doer – verb stem + लेना  (ले लिया, खा लिया)
  • completion with implication of the direction of action towards a place of consideration –  verb stem + आना  (निकल  आया, पहुँच आया)
  • sudden change – verb stem + पड़ना  (गीर पड़ना, कूद पड़ा)
  • unexpectedness – Verb stem + उठना  (रो उठा/उठी)
  • decisiveness – verb stem + डालना  (मार डाला, बेच डाला)
  • Presumptive – to express an assumption about an activity that might: 
  • be happening at the time of speaking with the use of the continuous participle – काले बादलों को देखकर लग रहा है कि तूफ़ान आ रहा होगा 
  • happen regularly with the use of the imperfective  participle – गंगा घाट पर इतना सारा वाहनों का इंतज़ाम देखते हुए समझ में आया कि यहाँ रोज़ाना बहुत लोग आते होंगे 
  • have happened with the use of perfect participle – बाहर ज़मीन को गिली देखकर लगा कि बारिश आयी होगी, उन्होंने भूस्खलन की आवाज़ सुनी होगी इस लिए ऊपर भाग रहे हैं (Note: because of the use of the perfect participle ने is used with transitive verbs)
Students each receive a card  in Hindi with a natural phenomenon or challenge in one of the four areas. They circulate to ask and answer questions about the phenomenon that their classmates have. They must ask at least 5 questions before they guess what it is and where it happens. The objective is to accumulate as many of the cards as possible by finding out the site and the phenomenon/disaster. 

Working in pairs, students create a collage of photos of natural phenomena specific to a site. They join with a different pair to ask and answer questions about details related to the environment and communities in these sites. 

I can collect and exchange information about what to do to protect the environment and the communities.  Sample Language:

  • Questions: What would you like to do? – आपके अनुसार क्या करना है / होगा / पड़ेगा; वातावरण की सुरक्षा के लिए क्या करें?; Where is … located? कहाँ स्थित है?; Can you please give me directions to – वहाँ कैसे पहुँचेंगे?; How long/much money will it take – इसको करने में कितना समय लगेगा?
  • Polite requests: मेहेरबानी करके / कृपा करके… दिखाएँ, समझाएँ; अच्छा होगा अगर आप … दिखाएँ, समझाएँ; ज़रा मुझे… के बारे में बताएँ; प्रदूषण: ध्वनि, जल, टल, वायु, दृश्य (sight)
  • Instructions: जानवरों से दूरी बनाएँ रखें, धीरे चलें, कूड़ा कूड़ेदान में फेंकें  


  • Subjunctive: verb stem+ ऊँ, ओ, ए, एँ (करूँ, करो, करे, करें) 
  • in simple sentences to express wishes, polite requests, asking for permission – जीते रहें, मुबारक हो, अंदर आएँ? कृपा जूते यहाँ उतारें
  • in complex sentences, the second clause has a verb in the subjunctive – आशा है कि… + subjunctive, यह ज़रूरी बात है कि… + subjunctive, ताकि + subjunctive  
  • Note: Only Transitive Verbs can form Passive Voice, except for Impersonal Passives (मुझ से सोया नहीं गया)    
  • Conditional sentences: अगर/यदि (stating condition) + तो (consequence) 
  • with future tense (expressing certainty) – अगर पता बताएँगे, तो चिट्ठी भेजूँगी  
  • with subjunctive (expressing less certainty) – अगर बारिश न हो तो आऊँगी 
  • with -ता form or participle + होता  (expressing uncertainty and contrafactual meaning) – मैं राजा होता, तो यहाँ महल बनवाता; वहाँ गए होते तो आप उनसे मिले होते 
Students are given statements reflecting possible activities that the community and/or organizations might do to protect the environment in a region. They discuss to decide what environmental focus they should have in the assigned area and what statements they dis/agree. They add what else they want/suggest to do. Then they work with a map to decide how to sequence the possible activities, who is involved and what the impact will be.  
Presentational Speaking
I can describe the places I visit and my reasons for traveling and learning. Sample Language:

  • ताकि + subjunctive: हम ने इसलिए वहाँ जाना चाहा, ताकि स्थानीय समुदाय से पर्यावरण के बारे में नयी जानकारी प्राप्त करें। 
  • उस विषय के बारे में मुझे विस्तार से जानना है क्योंकि… 
Students create a concept map that outlines their tour plan and their reasons for traveling to specific regions and their communities. They then assemble an electronic poster ( with information they brainstormed. 
I can describe the environment where communities live, nature, weather and changing climate and environment.  See above  Students record a daily reflection using and then email the sound file to friends who could not join the tour. They begin with a description of the place and the environment, then on subsequent days talk about the specific natural features, environmental changes and how the local community interacts with nature.

Working in groups, students go online to locate interesting locations to visit. Each group selects what they think is the best choice and then prepares a brief presentation to give to the other groups. The class votes on the best suggested option. 

Each student goes online to select a specific option for the community to visit and interact with. In small groups they share information about where they will go. 

I can report about or make suggestions for solutions of climate and nature changes (potential or real). Vocabulary: 

Nouns for material: X से बना हुआ है, बनी हुई है 

  • पत्थर m. – rock, 
  • पीतल m. – bronze 
  • स्टील f. – steel
  • लोहा m. – iron 
  • मिट्टी f. – clay 
  • घास फूस m. – straw 
  • ईंट f. – brick 

Adjectives for shape: 

  • गोलाकार – round 
  • वर्ग – square 
  • आयाताकार- rectangular  
  • फैला हुआ – spread out 

More adjectives:

  • रोचक – exciting 
  • उबाऊ – boring  
  • असामान्य – unusual 
  • ऐतिहासिक – historic 
  • राजनैतिक – political 
  • शांतिपूर्ण – peaceful 
  • शोरगुलवाला – noisy
  • लाभदायक / फ़ायदेमंद – beneficial
  • सकारात्मक – positive 
  • नकारात्मक – negative 
  • प्रभावशाली – influential 
1. Students assemble an electronic photo album of the sites and communities they visit while traveling. They record a travelogue with descriptions of the people and places including personal observations and comments.

2. Students create a brief documentary with its script that highlights the sites and communities they found most interesting during the tour experience in India. 

3. Each student posts one image with the intent of doing a podcast on that image. Once the initial recording is made, three additional students must comment or ask questions to improve  it. The original author then records the final podcast incorporating the feedback and additional details suggested by others.  

Presentational Writing
On a blog site, I can explain nature–community interactions and nature-based living in the places I visited in India. Vocabulary:

Village Life: गाँव का जीवन / की ज़िंदगी 

  • खेतीबारी करना – to farm
  • फसल f. उगाना – to grow a crop 
  • फसल f. काटना – to cut the crop
  • फसल f. जमा करना – to gather the crop
  • हल m. चलाना – to plow
  • बीज m. बोना – to sow seeds
  • सिंचाई f. करना – to irrigate
  • बंजर ज़मीन f. – bare land 
  • उपजाऊ ज़मीन f. – fertile land
  • बाढ़ f. – flood
  • सूखा m. drought
  • नमी f. — humidity

Tools औज़ार: 

  • कूदाल m. – hoe
  • हँसिया m. – sickle

Crops फ़सलें:

  • मक्का m. – corn
  • गेहूँ m. – wheat
  • सरसों m. – mustard
  • चावल m. – rice 
  • गन्ना m. – sugar cane

पर्यावरण में सुधार और बदलाव लाना  

Sources of energy –  ऊर्जा के स्रोत और 

  • जल / पानी  
  • कोयला m. – coal
  • तेल m. – oil
  • गैज़  
  • लकड़ी f. – wood
  • सौर ऊर्जा – solar energy

Water supply – जल वितरण/ पानी का इंतज़ाम 

  • नल m. – canal
  • नाली f. – drain
  • कुआँ m. – well
  • सोता m. – stream
  • नदी f. – river
  • मटका m. – clay water pot
  • घड़ा m. – water pot
  • बालटी f. -bucket

Food resources – खाने के स्रोत 

  • सरकारी राशन m. – government subsidy
  • खेती की उपज f. – a field’s yield
  • अनाज m. – grains
  • साग-सब्ज़ी f. – greens-vegetables
  • माँस/ गोश्त m. – meat
  • मछली f. – fish
  • फल  m. – fruit

Rural education – गाँव में शिक्षा 

Forestation – वृक्षरोपन / पेड़ लगाना / हरियाली बनाना  

Water conservation: जल संसाधन, जल संरक्षण, पानी की बचत करना 

Women’s role – औरतों की भूमिका / भागीदारी  

Women’s empowerment – महिला सशक्तीकरण   

Health issues – स्वास्थ्य m./ सेहत के मुद्दे m.

Students write blog postings nightly about the day’s  activities they  observed and learned about during the day. They comment on their observations and the new information they learn.
I can describe in my travel log customs and traditions I have learned about and observed in specific locations . Actions:

  • X की पूजा करना 
  • X में विश्वास होना 
  • X में इकट्ठा होना 
  • X की तस्वीर बनाना 
  • यंत्र बजाना 
  • एकसाथ नाचना 
  • कहानी सुनाना 
  • गोबर लिपटना 
  • मटके में  पानी  भरकर लाना 
  • काम में हाथ बाँटना 
  • नशे में होना 

See above

Students work in groups to post images reflecting a typical day of the community members they inteact with using a site like  They record their comments. Other students read what is posted, asking follow-up questions and record additional thoughts based on their experiences.
I can write out a draft of a presentation that I plan to present orally including notes for the speech I will make to the International Rotary Club members in Hindi. Borrowed Sanskrit words:

  • X का सर्वेक्षण करना – to survey
  • X का संरक्षण करना – to preserve
  • X का निर्माण करना – to build
  • X का विनाश करना  –  to ruin
  • दरक m. जाना = दरार m. पड़ना – to be split, to become cracked
  • समझौता m. करना – to negotiate
  • प्रशासन m. – administration
  • प्रतिकरिया f. – reaction 
  • शोषण m. – exploitation 
  • क्षतिग्रस्त – damaged
  • क्षेत्र m. – field
  • घरों से वंचित होना – to be deprived of housing
  • आपदा m. / संकट f. / हानि f. – crisis
  • स्थाई < > अस्थाई – stable < > unstable
  • स्थानीय < > वैश्विक – local < > global
Students prepare a digital presentation that they will give to the International Rotary Club members. They write an outline and notes to be sure to include important information and their reactions to the experiences they had in each region. This presentation will also be shared at the travel fair held at the end of tour. 
Interpretive Listening
I can understand questions and information about places, people and practices offered by local members of the communities or activists. Names of activities, rituals and customs

Places visited because of specific natural phenomena or communities

Activities by organizations to support local communities 

See above

Students listen for the daily time of events and fill in a graphic organizer with the information.

Students use the information they hear to create their own daily plan making sure that they have recorded times when the group will do something together and individually. 

Students listen to public service announcements of various types –  basic hygiene rules, waste management, safety, etc.  and will create concept categories. 

I can understand descriptions of the places, people, practices and environmental challenges when viewing a video or listening to a podcast. Name of sites and their location on the map of India and the subcontinent

Geographical characteristics and the environment where the community lives

Descriptive expressions

Working in pairs, students will identify various places and communities visited on the tour from oral descriptions. Together, the pair of students will assemble a collage based on the descriptions. They share their collages on the group tour wiki or blog.
I can understand directions, suggestions or warnings during weather extremes or natural disasters.   Use the garbage bins 

Don’t throw garbage on the ground. 

Don’t honk

Keep the area clean

See above

Listening to oral directions, students identify places in a village or city that they might want to visit. 

Students take part in geocaching or a similar type of scavenger hunt to find artifacts associated with the tour. 

Interpretive Reading

I can understand and follow signs, warnings and directions about protecting the environment or safety. Reduce pollution.

Become a hero in cleaning the environment.

See above

Students complete a grid with the most important signs and public announcement murals they have seen. Then they identify ones that are needed/missing to create new ones. 
I can understand basic information on flyers, brochures and on websites related to communities and places. Locations and their specific environment along with impact on or from the community

Communities and their relation to nature – damage and/or preservation

Natural phenomena and disasters

Interesting sites, experiences, activities

See above

JigSaw: Teacher divides the class into groups of 3 or 4. Each group is in charge of scanning different websites for places and communities to visit. Teacher will have the sites bookmarked on Diigo or a similar site for students to use).  They fill in a grid with relevant information for the class (name of place, itinerary, environment features, people).
I can understand postings in Facebook and blogs on travel, environment and nature topics. Names and descriptions of natural and geographical features that students visit during the tour 

Daily activities of the local community in the village and the city

Descriptions of rituals and customs

Daily experiences and reflections on cultural similarities and differences between areas

See above

Students read blogs and create mind maps of issues or concepts.

Students will read authentic target language blogs that comment on travel home stays and will respond to comprehension questions. 

 Materials & Other Resources (Teachers may decide to play the video clips without sound so that they might supply the narration, making the information more comprehensible for students. Similarly, they might add visuals to the readings, chunk the information into sections, etc.)

Grammar Reference Textbook (McGregor Hindi Grammar):



