Our Home हमारा घर

Note: Based on a STARTALK model lesson, edited by Rajni Bhargava; audio by Aashna Dangaich.house-Goa

A. Proficiency Level: Novice High (75 min.)

B. Objectives: Students will be able to:

  • state where Jaipur is in the world (recycled concept)
  • state simple facts about Jaipur – big, small, modern, traditional
  • ask and answer questions describing the house 
  • name the different rooms of a home and associated colors
  • state the room they prefer
  • identify cultural items found in different rooms


  • in Asia, in India, near the desert, near the border (recycled)
  • Interrogative pronouns and Personal pronounsdirect and oblique case
  • Complex postpositions vs. adverbs vs. adjectives: के सामने, के पीछे, के अंदर, के ऊपर  सामने, पीछे, ऊपर  सामनेवाला, उपरवाला, पीछेवाला
  • What is the house like? It’s big, small; floors: मकान कैसा है – छोटा, बड़ा, हवादार, मंज़िल f. 
  • There is/ there are construction: उस में कितने कमरे हैं ? रसोई, गुसलखाना, सोने का कमरा, बैठने का कमरा, सीढ़ियाँ  
  • to like/ dislike construction (recycled) + comparison (more and the most): Xको पसंद है/ अच्छा लगना  + सब से, इस से

C. Performance Assessment:

  • Learners will view images or freeze frames of the city of Jaipur and the home shown in the video and will be able to give a simple description of the image. They will alternate asking and answering questions about those images.
  • Learners will be given different images and will write words and phrases that describe each image in preparation for a guessing game the next day.

D. Learning Scenarios:

Activity 1. Learners view clips of Jaipur, Rajasthan and recycle vocabulary from previous lessons saying what they can say, commenting on location, size, places, etc. Teacher provides a word bank allowing students to circle words they identify in the video or images.

Activity 2. Teacher uses the blueprint with names of rooms. The blueprint is displayed and the teacher points to one of the rooms. The teacher uses the name of the room in simple sentences, acting out things that might be done in that room.

The learners have a vocabulary list and they draw images next to the word to indicate the meaning of the word. They do not translate into English. The teachers uses the names of the rooms in sentences and learners demonstrate comprehension by acting out something that might be done in that room – brushing hair in the bathroom, knocking at the entry, etc. The teacher has a student act out.

Students pair and alternate saying where they are to each other. I am in the … (e.g. dining room) and their partner acts out what s/he does in that room.

Activity 3. The teacher shows a video of a home and names images of cultural items that are seen in the video. The learners pair and guess the name of the room where the item is found. The teacher asks non-volunteers to share their guesses.  The video is played again so that students can confirm their guesses. The teacher then asks each student to write down the name of a cultural item and a room. The teacher does this also. They do not have to match.

Students ask questions to the teacher to guess so that the process is modeled. Students then pair and ask questions to guess the 2 items. Do you have a carpet? No. I don’t have… Are you in the bedroom? Yes, I am… Learners alternate guesses to see who can guess both first. Similar to Clue – You are in the bedroom with the tea kettle.

Exit Slip:  Learners will have a graphic organizer showing the rooms of the house and a couple images of Jaipur. They will have 5 minutes to write down as many words, phrases or questions about each image as they can. They will be collected as students exit the room.

Homework: Learners will take a picture of a favorite room in their house to be used in class the next day. Those pictures will be emailed to the teacher with 2-3 sentences about the room.

Follow-up: Students work on one of the following performance tasks:

  • You are working as a property agent and are trying to sell a small/big house to a young/old couple. Prepare a video message you will send to them describing the property’s most important features and the pricing.
  • You are AirBB host. Make a video presentation of what your house offers including furniture and appliances.