Harmonious Living Unit VI

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Unit I Unit II  ♦  Unit III  ♦  Unit IV  ♦ Unit V  ♦ Final Performance Task

Proficiency Level: Novice High/Intermediate Low

Time: 2X75 minutes

Unit VI. Creative work: सावधान! हमारा मित्र मुसीबत में है! 

Objectives: Students will be able to:

  • Talk about the animals and cultural relevance in the society
  • Ask and answer questions on animals 
  • Suggest in simple sentences basic problems and solutions.

Source: https://www.traffic.org/news/utilisation-of-owls-around-diwali-201

Task 1: Students read the following flier and write 2+ reasons why the owl is important to the local community

Task 2: Students scan the article Endangered Animals in India and find out 5 animals who are endangered in India and 5 reasons why they are endangered.


  • आवास m. – घर 
  •  अवैध शिकार m. – illegal hunting
  • सरकार  f. – government
  • शहरीकरण m.  – urbanization
  • प्रजातियाँ f. – species
  • विलुप्त – extinct
  • आबादी f. – population
  • ख़तरे में है – is in danger
  • गोद लेना – to adopबचाना – to save
  • पर्यावरण -m.  environment
  • नष्ट – destroyed

Task: In the role of a wildlife organization activist, create a ppt slide (where the image of the chosen animal is uploaded) with an audio file, in which

  • explain that you need a donor to adopt your chosen animal (गोद  लेना, अपनाने के लिए) in order for it to survive (उसको बचाने के लिए) and why 
  • describe how the animal of your choice looks and share 5+ facts about it in order to convince your potential donor that you need them.

Step. 1: In the role of a potential donor writing on the FB page of the organization, students make comments under the two presentations: (a) one accepting to become a donor and explain why; (b) one rejecting to become a donor and explain why.


Step 2: Students  consider using 5+ passive voice sentences and the following connectors:

  • इसलिए 
  • क्योंकि 
  • इस वजह से
  • x के पहले 
  • x के बाद 
  • x के अलावा 
  • x के बिना 

Suggested resources:

Step 3. Students write a certificate to send to the donor with a profile and photograph of their adopted animal together with a description of the Orphan’s project, including:

  • a description of where orphan was found, what the habitat is in that region and the plight of the animal
  • 3+ monthly updates on the health and progress of the orphan
  • Send a momento in the form of a painting or a photograph of the animal.