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♦ Unit I ♦ Unit II ♦ Unit IV ♦ Unit V ♦ Unit VI ♦ Final Performance Task ♦
Proficiency Level: Novice High/Intermediate Low
Time: 2X75 minutes
In Harmony with Wildlife
Objectives: By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
- identify different wild animals and their environment in India
- describe in simple sentences their wild habitat
- describe in simple sentences the food they eat and how they gather it
- ask and answer questions about wild animals and how to protect them.
Performance Task: In the role of wild conservationist, students make a presentation for a funding agency on an animal they choose for protection.
Teacher reviews:
Episode 1: Interpretive task: In their group, students add their own categories (3+) the vocabulary items.
Episode 2: Interpretive Task: Each group is assigned to watch a Youtube video on one specific animal. Students note down 5+ interesting facts and 5 + useful expressions about the animal in the video. They find a partner from another group with a different animal and share their findings and add 2+ useful expressions/phrases.
- (on camel)
- (on cheetah)
- (on lion)
- (on elephant)
- (on Bear)
- (on horse)
Episode 3: Student go back to their groups.
Instructions: As a wildlife conservationist, in your group, decide which animal you will promote for protection for which you need funds. Research your animal for a ppt presentation. Find photos, organize the information 3+ slides. The ppt needs to include the following:
- Description of the animal ( 3 various parts of the body and their function)
- 5+ interesting/unexpected features of the animal
- Why you need money (गोद लेना, अपनाने के लिए, उसको बचाने के लिए)
- Where it lives
- What it eats and how
- Why it is endangered (2-3 reasons)
Homework Assignment: Audio record a presentation of your slide in the ppt.
Episode 4: 5 min. Students finalize the ppt and do the presentation. They also listen to their peers’ ppt presentation and to their audio recordings. They take notes on important information and are ready to ask 2 questions to the presenters.
Episode 5: In their groups, in the role of a potential donor, students listen to their peer presentations and decide what to write on the FB page of the organization. The following is included:
- why you accept to be a donor and will fund the protection of a specific animal
- why you reject to be a donor and will not fund the protection of a specific animal
- write 5+ full sentences in your comments and consider using 3+ of the following connectors:
- इसलिए
- क्योंकि
- इस वजह से / के कारण
- x के पहले
- x के बाद
- x के अलावा
- x किंतु, परंतु
- Gir – Amitabh Bachchan : Gujarat Tourism
- Till Dekho Taad Dekho | Madhya Pradesh Tourism
- (appushree video on camel)
- (on cheetah)
- (on lion)
- (on elephant)
- (on Bear)
- (on horse)