Good and Bad Habits अच्छी या बुरी आदतें

A. Proficiency Level: Intermediate Mid (3X75 min.)dharmshala

B. Objectives: Students will be able to:

  • identify and formulate advice for wellbeing in different ways (as commands, suggestions and requests) about health and success in life
  • distinguish between and express moral obligation, prescriptions and against-the-will obligations in the context of mindful living.
  • understand and report on especially frequent or continuous activities beneficial or harmful to mindful lifestyle


  • use infinitives, without and in obligatory constructions
  • use subjunctive to express polite suggestions or requests
  • use aspects

C. Performance Assessment: Students are invited by an NGO to prepare health-related materials — TV show, newspaper article, posters, brochures, flyers, etc. teacher assigns a specific audience for each product

D. Learning Scenarios:

Step 1. Instructor shows a ppt with personal good and bad habits, and has student listen and react “good’ or “bad”. Instructor emphasizes use of infinitives (धोना / कसरत करना अच्छा  है / बुरा / नुकसानदेह है). In pairs students fill in a Venn Diagram comparing their personal good or bad habits (by choice).pan

  • Step 2. Instructor gives examples of advice which include both good and bad habits and students react with “good’ or ‘bad’ from a poster. Instructor exposes students to the use of obligatory constructions (X-को क्या करना चाहिए / होता है / पड़ता है ). In pairs students listen to (personal devices) and select 5 sentences with a new idea to transform to the obligatory construction:

Step 3. Jigsaw: Students work in groups and read pieces of Text 1 अच्छी-बुरी का सवाल नहीं, सभी आदतें नुकसानदेह. Each student has a number in the group (1, 2, 3, 4) and they read cut outs of rules from Text 1. Then they switch groups (all 1s, all 2s, all 3s, etc.) and tell each other about their excerpt to figure out the main theme of the text.

A. Close Text Tasks:

a) What is the most appropriate title of the text?

  1. Write an introduction to the article
  2. Add another item/paragraph to the article

Transfer Tasks: More complexity and variation:

  1. Who is the audience of this article (text 1)? How might their life be different than your life? (Venn Diagram)
  2. What information would be appropriate for a village community? Make a poster with health advice to be hung around a village.

Step 4. Students are divided in groups to brainstorm on an assigned question (use of infinitives).


  1. जिन्दगी में कौनसी अच्छी आदतें हैं ? What are good habits?
  2. जिन्दगी में कौनसी बुरी आदतें हैं ? What are bad habits?
  3. जिन्दगी में कौनसे पहलू के लिए आदतें जरूरी हैं? In what aspect of life are they important?
  4. अच्छी या बुरी आदतों में उम्र में क्या फर्क है? Does age matter?

Step 5. In pairs (within the group) students are assigned to read Text 2 स्वस्थ रहने की 10 अच्छी आदतें or Text 3 सफल व्यक्ति की 5 अच्छी आदतें  they (a) make a list of useful expressions and phrases and (b) highlight use of obligatory construction and subjunctive. Each pair is assigned to add one more item to each text and they share it with the other pair of the group. Instructor raises awareness of the use of polite suggestions in the form of subjunctive (करें, सोएं, etc.).

Step 6. Students work in groups to make a list of advice for good and bad habits in the assigned aspect of life:

क्या करना बुरा है? क्या करना अच्छा है?

  • १. अच्छी तबियत के लिए? for good health
  • २. स्कूल में कामयाबी के लिए? for success in school
  • ३. घर में और परिवार के साथ? at home and with the family
  • ४. नौकरी में तरक्की के लिए? for promotion at work
  • ५. समाज में अच्छे  नाम के लिए? for good reputation in society

Step 7. Jigsaw activity — Students regroup (all number 1s form a group, all number 2, etc.). They prepare an educational brochure/poster for Middle/High School students on a sub topic or aspect of life of their choice (they use subjunctive).

Step 8. Group presentations followed by Q&A — conducted as a NGO grant application competition Promoting Healthy Living. Students have rubrics to evaluate the materials and the presentation.

Step 9. Teacher reformulates student statements to exaggerate frequency and progressiveness (पिया/खाया/चबाया करते हैं, उकड़ू बैठे रहते हैं, etc.).

Step 10. Project work — Students examine Resources Handout  (articles for HLLs and videos FLLs) in order to work one of the following projects (by choice and/or advice by instructor):

  • discuss what a healthy lifestyle is for different social strata in a TV Talk Show Bolo Ji
  • rework advice for healthy living as an informational newspaper article in the Health section(higher proficiency HLL group)
  • make a ppt/slideshow for healthy living for semi-rural high schools (10 slides with pics and captions of 3-4 sentences each with audio recording) 
  • video record a TV report and interviews for the local TV channel’s Health segment with members of community about problems and/or achievements of a community, school, village, etc.

Assessment Rubrics

Follow-up suggestions