Online lesson with online student partners from Acharya Sukumar Sen Mahavidyalaya, West Bengal. Based on a lesson developed by Prof. Rajni Bhargava, NYU and Prof. Pritesh Chakrobarty, Acharya Sukumar Sen University.
1. Proficiency Level: Intermediate range
2. Time: 4×75 minutes
3. Objectives: At the end of this lesson student will be able to:
- describe their best friend by listing their best features and weaknesses
- narrate briefly how they met and how their friendship evolved
- explain the meaning of friendship and provide examples
4. Language Targets: students will be able to use:
- subjunctive in polite commands, advice and wishes (source: 1, 2)
- conditional sentences (sources: 1, 2)
- Verb stem + सकना (source)
- obligatory/compulsion construction x को with चाहिए, होना, पड़ना (source)
- जो/जिसको …, वह verb stem + सकें
5. Performance Assessment: Students will write a blog post individually and/or create a podcast with a partner on friendship.
E. Learning Scenarios:
Step 1: Introduce yourself to your online partners.
Step 2: Warm up exercise: ( a game) Write down the words you already know related to friendship for a wordle. Add more to it by the end.
Step 3: View the following video and check the words and phrases your heard and are listed in the glossary provided which best describe your best friend. Add a few you consider relevant but missing (2 or more).
Homework: All About Friendship अच्छा दोस्त कौन होता है, क्या करता है | Seriously Strange. Define the words and phrases on a google slide.
- प्रेरित करना/प्रोत्साहन m. देना –
- निराश नहीं करता है –
- परेशानी से बाहर लाता है –
- ख़ामियाँ –
- समझता है –
- पूरी बात सुनता है –
- हल m. निकालता है –
- अपने मुँह मिट्ठू नहीं बनता है –
- अनबन होना –
- नीचा नहीं दिखाता है –
- मज़ाक़ नहीं उड़ाता है –
- बुराई नहीं करता है –
- उसकी ख़ैर नहीं –
- पीठ पीछे कुछ नहीं करता है –
- अनुभव m. –
- यक़ीन करता है –
- आपके साथ खड़ा रहता है –
- जो आपका साथ निभाता है –
- दोस्ती कोई भी रंग देख कर, कोई भी रूप देख कर नहीं की जाती, कोई भी जाती नहीं-
- दोस्त को मनाना –
- जाने नहीं देना –
Step 4: In pairs compare your definitions, and find out the common and different culturally rooted words used for friendship.
Step 5: Proceed to talking to each other about friends. Audio record your conversation. Take turns — answer at least 3 questions at a time. Include answers to the following leading questions. Use at least 5 expressions from the list.
- Who is your best friend?
- What does he/she look like?
- Where does s/he live?
- Why is s/he your best friend? What special qualities does s/he have?
- How did you meet your best friend?
- What do you have in common? Why exactly do you get on well together?
- Have you ever fallen out with each other? Why?
- Does distance matter? How do you keep/stay in touch? How often do you meet up?
- Which quality is the most important to you in a friend? Why?
- What animal would you compare your friend with?
- Does gender matter in friendship?
Step 6: View the youtube clip from movie “Dostana”
Partner’s in Crime – Part 11 – Dostana (2008) | Abhishek Bachchan, John Abraham, Priyanka Chopra
In pairs, write at least 5 qualities, which you would like in a friend and 5 which you would not like जो……….हो , सके…. (subjunctive)
Homework: Read the following text.
1. Review the grammar points.
2. Write sentences using the following words and phrases from the text excerpt and use at least once each grammar construction:
Words and phrases:
मीलों की दूरी
झूठी तारीफ़
छू-मंतर हो जाना
मुसीबत में नहीं डालना
जलन होना
गलती को सुधारना
साथ छोड़ना
एक दूसरे से ग़ुस्सा नहीं होना
आप जैसे हैं वैसे ही अपनाना
Step 7: Project: Write for a blog on the topic of friendship discussing a perfect friendship (heritage learners)
Make a podcast with a partner on the topic of friends discussing the perfect friendship (foreign language learners)
Basic introduction of your podcast.
Content – discuss issues or topics which you consider relevant. Use each language structure at least 3 times
Consult the following rubrics:
Podcast Rubric Guidelines
Partially Proficient
Max. points
9 points
6 points
3 points
0 points
Catchy and clever introduction. Provides relevant information and establishes a clear purpose engaging the listener immediately.
Describes the topic and engages the audience as the introduction proceeds.
Somewhat engaging (covers well-known topic), and provides a vague purpose.
Irrelevant or inappropriate topic that minimally engages the listener. Does not include an introduction or the purpose is vague and unclear.
Tells who is speaking, date the podcast was produced, and where the speaker is located.
Tells most of the following: who is speaking, date of the podcast, and location of speaker.
Alludes to who is speaking, date of the podcast, and location of speaker.
Speaker is not identified. No production date or location of the speaker is provided.
9 points
6 points
3 points
0 points
Creativity and original content enhance the purpose of the podcast in an innovative way.
Accurate information is provided succinctly.
Some information is inaccurate or long-winded.
Information is inaccurate.
Vocabulary enhances content.
Vocabulary is appropriate.
Vocabulary is adequate.
Vocabulary is inappropriate for the audience.
Keeps focus on the topic.
Stays on the topic.
Occasionally strays from the topic.
Does not stay on topic.
Conclusion clearly summarizes key information.
Conclusion summarizes information.
Conclusion vaguely summarizes key information
No conclusion is provided.
3 points
2 points
1 point
0 points
Well rehearsed, smooth delivery in a conversational style.
Rehearsed, smooth delivery.
Appears unrehearsed with uneven delivery.
Delivery is hesitant, and choppy and sounds like the presenter is reading.
Correct grammar is used throughout the podcast.
Correct grammar is used during the podcast.
Occasionally incorrect grammar is used during the podcast.
Poor grammar is used throughout the podcast.
6 points
4 points
2 points
0 points
Open ended questions and follow-up are used that draw interesting and relevant information from the interviewee.
Open ended questions and follow-up questions are used appropriately.
Open ended questions and follow-up questions are occasionally irrelevant to the topic.
Only yes-or-no questions are used. No follow-up questions are asked.
Group/Partner Work
6 points
4 points
2 points
0 points
All team members contributed equally to the finished product and assist in the editing process by offering critique and sharing in skill development.
Assisted group/partner.
Finished own part but did not assist the group/partner.
Contributed little to the project.
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