Traditional Jobs and the Environment पारम्परिक धंधे और पर्यावरण

Proficiency level: Intermediate Mid

Time: 1X75 min

Objectives: Students can:

  • explain the impact of traditional jobs on the environment and the community
  • describe environmentally clean products
  • outline the challenges workers in traditional jobs face

Language Targets: Students appropriately use:

  • the passive voice (including in the subjunctive -ताकि उसकी रखवाली की जा सके)
  • conditional sentences (अगर यह काम न किया जाता तो लोगों के लिए कोई फायदे न होते)

Performance Assessment Tasks for Intermediate High/Advanced Low Range:

  • Interpretive: In pairs, students view 2 videos to develop a comparison Venn Diagram.
  • Interpersonal: In pairs, students decide and choose another traditional occupation (based on the videos or another source) and develop a concept map, based on the following guidelines: (a) description of job, (b) environmental impact, (c) benefits for the community and the individuals, (d) relation to progress (e) use of specific syntactic structures (e.g. passive, conditional).
  • Presentational: (a) In pairs students develop a presentation focused on a job which they choose. (b) In groups of four, students assume roles (environmental activist, traditional occupation worker, economist, journalist, etc.), write up and video-record a TV show focused on the guidelines (above). 

Learning scenarios:

1. In pairs students explore मिट्टी के बर्तनों का फायदा via assigned videos and fill out a table: (a) logistics, (b) benefits and (c) challenges (इंतज़ाम/व्यवस्था, फायदे/लाभ और मुश्किलें/समस्याएं )

2. In groups students share what they viewed and learned and decide the 3 main benefits and the 3 main challenges the potters’ job offers. 

3. Students continue research on other jobs with focus on logistics, benefits and challenges (इंतज़ाम/व्यवस्था, फायदे/लाभ और मुश्किलें/समस्याएं ):

—  (worm collecting)
— (Ayurvedic medicine making)
4. In groups, students prepare a brochure informing and advocating for federal and public support to preserve these jobs.
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