Child Labor बाल मज़दूरी

This plan is based on a lesson  prepared by Prof. Aftab Ahmad for workshop at NYU “Working with Film and TV Shows in the Three Communicative Modes” 

Proficiency Level: Intermediate Mid/High (College)

Time: 1X75 min (preceded by 2X75 lessons based on three stories)

Objectives: Students will be able to:

  • suggest strategies how the problem can be solved
  • explain what the main issues in the movie are (society, culture and tradition)
  • contrast and compare plot, characters, themes

Language Targets:

  • review oblique infinitive + लगना (गाने लगा, खाने लगी)
  • oblique infinitive + देना  (देना जाने दिया, बोलने दीजिये )
  • obligatory construction X-को + infinitive + होना (उसको जाना है हमें काम करना है)
  • colloquialisms (आप आओ!)
  • vocabulary: ग़ुब्बारा,  ध्यान, आवाज़ देना, बाद में, मस्ती, गिराना, धंधा, खेल कूद, बस की बात, ज़बरदस्ती करना, सताना, चोंचले, सोच

Performance Assessment:

  • Interpretive: Students view the film for the gist. They check when they hear the new structures from a list. They work in groups with specific instructions for what to listen/look for to accomplish their task.
  • Interpersonal: Students discuss and agree on the task at hand (I group: 5 solutions, II group: 2 examples for 3 categories, III group 5 differences and 5 similarities).
  • Presentational: Students re-group and report on their findings in the previous group in their role.
  • Interpersonal: Students negotiate and agree on 6 or more most efficient strategies/ways dealing with this issue in a new campaign (in their role each student suggests 2)

Based on:

Learning Scenario:

1. Instructor asks students in groups to organize the provided examples below or in the handout (pdf ) in grammar categories based.

1. बाबा मुझे अन्दर जाने दो।

2. बाबा, मुझे अंदर जाना है।

3. बाबा, मुझे भी मस्ती करना है।

4. नहीं, तुम्हें सिर्फ़ गुब्बारे बेचने हैं।

5. बहुत मस्ती करना है।

6. अंकल मुझे आइसक्रीम खाना है।

7. जाने दो न, छोटी बच्ची है?

8.  साहब, हमें हमारा काम करने दो।

9. क्या जाने दो!

10. उसको भी सपने देखने दो।

11. मैं इसके सपने पूरे नहीं होने दूँगा।

12. अरे, खेलना चाहती है तो खेलने दो न उसे! 

13. अरे आप उसे क्यों मारने लगे? 

14. देखो, आपकी बच्ची तो रोने लगी? 

15. अगर यह सपने देखने लगेगी, तो काम कैसे करेगी? 

Instructor explains the two new structures in more detail if needed. Instructor also raises awareness about colloquial use, such as:

  • आप लोग यहीं रुको
  • आप जाओ
  • काये के सपने काये की खुशी!   

Instructor puts students in groups and they read their group task. Students in each group assume a specific role (I group: NGO worker, II group: a professor, III group: the film-maker). Instructor shows the film and students view the movie. Students mark when they hear an example from the list above or in the handout (pdf), which they previously  grouped. They also follow the instructions for their group. 

Group 1: ग़ैर-सरकारी संस्था (एन. जी. ओ.)

सवाल/निर्देश: बाल मज़दूरी को कैसे ख़त्म किया जा सकता है?  6 उपाय लिखिए:

Group 2: प्रोफ़ेसर

सवाल/निर्देश: पढ़ी हुई कहानियों और इस फ़िल्म के बीच 3 समानताएँ और 3 अंतर लिखिए।     

Group 3: फ़िल्म निर्देशक/निर्माता

सवाल/निर्देश: फ़िल्म में भारतीय समाज, संस्कृति और परंपरा को ढूँढिये और हर एक के बारे में दो-दो बातें लिखिए:

a. समाज (2)        b. संस्कृति (2)        c. परंपरा (2)

Students discuss their task and fill out the handout. Instructor visits groups and provides input when needed, including vocabulary.

Jigsaw: Students go to their new group (with their number) and they perform according to their role – they report what they have done, do or have to do to solve the problem of child labor as an NGO worker, film-maker or professor. They negotiate 6 or more efficient strategies/ways to solve the problem. Each student needs to suggest at least 2 of their solutions/ways. The task is to practice the 3 language targets as much as possible.

Samples of NYU student work:

  • as the film director:
  • as an NGO worker:

Follow up suggestions