Packing and at the Customs

Lesson plan by Rajni Bhargava Audio by Aashna Dangaich

Proficiency Level: Novice Mid FullSizeRender(75 min.)

Objectives: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

  • name and list several items needed for travel
  • recognize and write with support several of the items for travel
  • ask and answer simple questions where, what, how many

Language Objectives:

Performance Assessment: Students role-play customer officer and a tourist checking what is the bag.

Episode 1. Teacher demonstrates what s/he put in a bag and articulates clearly the non cognate words. S/he showsIMG_2072 ppt relate sound with script.

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Episode 2. Students draw on a handout the words they can recognize written.

Episode 3. Teacher extends the list of things to pack and shows ppt 2

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Episode 4. In pairs students match  pictures with written words on a handout.

Episode 5. Teacher shows ppt 3 to illustrate change from singular to plural of masculine nouns and introduces the question कितने हैं?

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Episode 6. Teacher re-iterates questions and raises awareness about oblique form with postposition. CP_Meeran_Borwankar

  • क्या है? कहाँ है?
  • थैला > थैले में
  • बक्सा > बक्से में
  • but कप > कप में
  • मेज़ >मेज़ पर 
Teacher demonstrates with a volunteer student the customs officer’s check and reviews all the words, including phone, computer and whatever else student includes. Teacher uses also  दिखाइए,  निकालिए,  डालिए (also written on the board)

Episode 7. In pairs, students role-play with pictures and actual objects the customs check and switch roles. Teacher walks around and provides feedback.