Final Performance Task: Harmonious Living

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Proficiency Level: Intermediate Low/Mid

Time: 2X75 minutes


  • Role: Nature Activist
  • Audience: Community members
  • Format: Design a Brochure
  • Topic: Harmonious Living

In the role of a nature activist, suggest community engagement in harmonious living with nature in order to reduce the human impact on the environment of chosen animal/s important to the local community. 

Follow the required content below (max 60 pts. total):

A. (max  15 pts. total) Explain what can be done at the : B. (max. 15 pts.  total) To be more convincing and personal, also include an individual animal’s profile and photograph with the following information: C. (max 30 pts. total) Use at least twice the following language structures:
  • individual level (5 pts.)
  • organizational level (5 pts.)
  • municipal/government level (5 pts.)
  • where it was found  (5 pts.)
  • what it looks like (5 pts.)
  • what its habitat is (5 pts.)
  • relative-correlative sentences (2X5 pts.)
  • subjunctive (2X5 pts)
  • passive voice (2X5 pts.)
  • Where orphan was found and a description of the habitat and plight of the animal in that region
  • As a valued member of the organization, you will keep them updated on the monthly progress of the orphan
  • Send a momento in the form of a painting or a photograph of the animal.

Follow the evaluation rubric below (max 20 points total)

Criterion Very creative (5 pts each = 20 total) Creative (4 pts each = 16 total) Ordinary (3 pts each = 12 total) Imitative (1 point each = 4 total)
Variety of ideas and contexts Ideas represent a variety of concepts from different contexts Ideas represent important concepts from different contexts. Ideas represent important concepts from  the same or similar contexts Ideas do not represent important concepts
Variety of sources Created product draws on from wide variety of sources including texts, media Created product draws on from a  variety of sources including texts, media Created product draws on from limited  set of sources from texts and  media Created product draws on from only one source. 
Combination of  Ideas Ideas are combined in original way to solve problems and issues Ideas are combined in original way to solve problems and issues Ideas are combined in original way to solve problems and issues Ideas are combined in original way to solve problems and issues
Offering something new Product is creative and interesting, identifying problems and solutions. Product is  creative and interesting, identifying a few problems and solutions. Product serves the intended purpose and is interesting. Product does not serve   its intended purpose  

Interview criteria (max 20 pts total)

  • rich vocabulary (5 pts.)
  • complex grammar structures (5 pts.)
  • paragraph type – connected sentences (5 pts.)
  • accuracy (5 pts.)